10 reasons why smartphones destroy people life


10 reasons why smartphones destroy people life 35780_1

Today, the smartphone is literally everyone (some and not one). Most people can not literally live without these devices. And, as some say, a zombie apocalypse has already begun ... Smartphone. But why everything so often use them, not paying harm, which these devices apply the lives of every person.

1. Optically spoiled sleep

The following situation learns perhaps everyone. We go to bed and take the phone before going to check the news, email, social networks or take another level 1 level in the game. All these applications steal our dream. When we go to bed, you need to forget about the phone until the morning. But this never happens, and people prefer to ship themselves with entertaining useless information. But this is still not all in terms of the poor influence of a smartphone for sleep. Blue light from the screen can suppress melatonin and stimulate the brain. This leads to the fact that a person no longer feels fatigue and uses a smartphone before bedtime for an even more time. Even when in the end, we postpone the phone to the side, all accumulated adrenaline or stress lead to enhanced brain work, as a result, no sleep comes. As a result, it becomes boring just like that, and again you take a smartphone.

2. Close people do not want to attract attention

This phenomenon became known as Fabbing. The habit is constantly distracted by the smartphone instead of romantic communication with our loved ones - a big problem. Smartphones were supposed to combine people and make the world more connected. But sometimes they can combine not those people and at the wrong time. Is it good - to plunge into communication with colleagues or friends at the other end of the world, not paying attention to a close person next to the room. When you need to be attended, but your beloved man buried his nose into the phone, they will obviously won't be happy. And if you do not pay for people in the relationship time and attention they deserve, they will fairly be unhappy. In the end, people begin to jealous close to smartphones.

3. Modern people have learned to communicate

Once people interacted with each other face to face. Thanks to the proximity and connections created by social contacts of this type, people could communicate with each other and build a strong relationship. Over time, the technology has become an intermediary in conversations, be it email, text messages or social networks. Today in many situations people no longer communicate with each other directly. The use of smartphones led to an increase in loneliness and shy. In fact, it is very difficult to establish contacts with other people when someone is alone and eager to communicate with others, but too shy at the same time. Study 414 university students in China showed that the more lonely and shy is the person, the greater the likelihood that it becomes dependent on his smartphone.

4. Equality on others

All who at least once was on social networks, probably saw a bunch of photos that people publish, about all the places they visit, and cool "pieces" that they buy. For a long time there is a belief that people are focused on what they need wealth, and how new things need to be bought, on the neighbors. Something like: If the neighbors have a brilliant, a new luxury car that people will think about my 10-year-old slightly rusted sedan. Unfortunately, smartphones and the Internet significantly expanded the framework as to whom to navigate. Instead of "leveling" only on neighbors, friends and relatives, now people see the life of hundreds of others around the world. Every time you go to any social network, you see a bunch of new messages showing all amazing things that happen to people around the world. Then you look around and understand that reality does not match what seen in the phone. Unfortunately, this leads to debts, stress and depression, when you begin to assume that you can not match everything else.

5. Syndrome of missed benefits

Also recently, such a phobia developed as a "missed benefit syndrome". Basically, he arises when someone sees how people do or get something new or exciting. It excites man, and he wants the same. He has concerns that if he does not do the same right now, this opportunity will disappear. Such anxiety can encourage impulsive purchases and put in debts to buy a "new brilliant toy." Nowadays, digital technology through smartphones constantly show people all new "shiny things" whose owners they can become. Companies that produce these things are mastering all sorts of ways to educate the missed benefits syndrome to sell their products. All this can lead to reckless expenses for unnecessary things. Then the man feels depressed when he sees the following brilliant thing, but understands that he can no longer take enough money to buy it.

6. The most expensive thing at home

More recently, people bought a mobile phone purely for calls and used it years. Now there is some kind of fevering race for the newest gadgets, "without which it just does not do not do", and which will be updated in a year. On average, the smartphone in North America costs 567 dollars. And also do not forget that you need a good case for protection, insurance, chargers and paid applications to make the phone even more useful. The phone price grows about 12 percent per year. In 2008, the iPhone was sold for $ 499, and at the end of 2018 XS MAX - for $ 1099. If prices continue to grow in a similar way, after 20 years, the iPhone will cost more than 5,000 dollars.

7. People stopped memorizing facts

Let everyone respond, how many times it happened to him: in the company someone asks a question, and no one knows the answer, so everyone pulls out his smartphone to google the answer. After a few minutes, everyone discusses different topics and fully forget the answer to the previous question. In the past, in order to find an answer to any question, it was necessary to make no-free efforts: find a specialist, go to the library and read the book or find out the experiment. Nowadays, information is so easy to get that people just looked off anything. But what happens if you take a smartphone from a person ...

8. Can someone read a card or get there somewhere around memory

When a person needs to go to the place where he never was, or he rarely happens, he pulls out a smartphone and loads google or Yandex card (or uses the navigator in the car). Those days have long passed when the drivers built a route in the mind or delivered a paper card to schedule a route. Now, people completely ceased to navigate in space and rely exclusively on technology. Moreover, even few people can imagine in the mind, as he to drive somewhere through Polgorod.

9. Fear of losing access to your phone

Another new-fashioned common states has become nomophobia - the fear of losing access to the smartphone due to the discharged battery, the loss of the signal or the loss of the phone itself. The study revealed four main sources that feed this fear: inability to communicate, loss of communication, loss of access to information and loss of convenience. In fact, people have become dependent as from the drug. Phones provide us with access to loved ones and answers to all questions. These devices also eliminate many obstacles at any time when it wants. The loss of these abilities leads to fear to remain "in itself." This becomes a serious problem. Thirty-eight percent of the American adolescent respondents said they would not even be able to live even the day without their smartphones. Seventy-one percent said the same, calling the term a week.

10. Catastrophic lack of time to do something

Everyone at least once, yes he felt that he simply lacks time. As if the world became so busy that it was difficult for him to hug. And now let everyone consider how many times a day he uses his smartphone. Surely, the resulting digit shocks. All became hopelessly dependent on their smartphones. Thanks to them, people get dopamine microdoses, which is produced in their brain. It makes a man happy and excited, and also makes him come back again and again to the phone. In search of these doses of dopamine, people spend on "digging" in the phone much more time than they think. So lacking time for everything else.

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