I was blinded: 10 cult films that were removed based on rather strange sources


Many cash and sensational films were borrowed from other iconic works. For example, the film "Jaws" was filmed on the basis of the "Jaws" novel, a number of moments of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" on the behavior of the guitarist of China Richards, as well as the works of Terry Gilliam on Dementia. The following religious works were made on the basis of, to put it mildly, strange sources. Surely, many people could not think that from the like you can "blind" the film.

1 Producers (2005)

It is quite possible to forgive the film workers who are confused in the plot of "producers" (2005), the film release of the Broadway Music with the same name. Or it was the adaptation of the film of the chalk Brooks of 1968 ... or the other who knows.

The 2005 film is a rare successful example of recursive adaptation - that is, the adaptations to the "Situation A" from the "situation B", which was originally adapted from the "Situation A". The 1968 film was redone to the Broadway Musical, which was then adapted to the 2005 film. At the same time, the producers of the last film did not even watched the original Brooks - they were fully based on the 2001 musical.

In fact, it was an excellent adaptation, but if you try to understand it, what happened in the original film, you can simply break the brain.

2 uncomfortable truth (2006)

After the defeat in the 2000 presidential election, Al Mountains returned to his long-term passion - global warming. He graduated from the slideshow on this topic, which began to do several years ago, and went with him in a tour, presenting his presentations to hundreds of various audiences for several years.

In 2005, the presentation saw Lori David, a television producer and an environmental activist part-time, which somehow managed to convince the mountain to turn the presentation to the film. Although the mountains was very passionate about his hobby, he was clearly not an outstanding speaker, but still decided to read his texts himself.

The 2006 Film "Uncomfortable True" is largely largely an extensive version of the presentation of the mountain, which makes it the only film that we can say that it is based on the lecture. Of course, you should not argue about the potential importance of the topic affected in it, but such "adapted lectures" still should not become regular.

3 Adaptation (2002)

If you ask any scenario to adapt meaningless reflections on poaching and orchid life, such as the "Orchid Thief" Susan Orleans, most likely, in the end, it will be just a mountain of spoiled paper. This will be so if the author is not Charlie Kaufman, who turned out to be an epically "swirling" plot containing two best scenes of Nicholas Cage, as well as considered one of the greatest scenarios in history.

Kaufman turned a non-adaptable novel, based on the original article of Susan Orleans in New Yorker, in reflection on the nature of the adaptation itself - not only in the literary, but also in the evolutionary sense.

A similar approach was able to implement only Kaufman, and who would initially appear the idea to make the film from the "Orchid", he must thank the heavens, for writing the script to Kaufman.

4 promise - does not mean marry (2009)

This romantic comedy with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Aniston is quite standard, but few people even suspect that this is one of several incorrect adaptations of books on self-help (if more specifically, books of Oprah 2004), which was inspired by the series "Sex in the Big City" .

The book, in essence, is a long series of truly obvious signs that the person in love with the character is indifferent to him. But now the question is - how to make a feature film from such a banalcine, not a commercial video. As a result, a series of (supposedly) comic situations were obtained against the background of a sluggish novel between Ben Affleck and Jennifer Aniston.

It goes without saying, the film is not very well perceived by critics, nor pool workers.

5 parcel (2009)

For his next film, Richard Kelly turned to the screenplay of the beautiful, but extremely little-known history, whose most famous version is a 15-minute scene in the remake of the series "Twilight zone" of the 80s called "Button, Button". And initially it was an adaptation of a very short (only 8 pages) of the story of Richard Matson.

The story was too short to stretch it even for 15 minutes in the series, not to mention the art film, so it is not surprising that the film received very mixed feedback, if not more.

6 Angle shop / you are serviced

Popular English Sitter "You are serviced", in fact, is an updated version of the romantic comedy of 1940 "The shop around the corner", in which the US postal service was replaced by AOL.

The first film for some reason was adapted from the little-known Hungarian play "Perfumery" (1940), which even never translated into English. As a result, both films have almost the same plot, and for it you can thank the Hungarian Miklos Laslo playwright.

7 Fast and Furious (2001)

The height of the 2001 diesel wines was founded on an article in Vibe Magazine about illegal street racing called "Racer X". The 1998 article described about the underground drag racing, which spread throughout Southern California in the early 1990s. Many may be surprised that, apparently, there was no other source material for adaptation.

This is how the article from the magazine Vibe gave rise to a whole series of eight full-length films and two short films.

8 I know what you did last summer (1997)

This 1997 film is known, mainly by the fact that he came out on the wave of Hip other youth slash "Cream", which appeared on the screens a year earlier, and also has a lot of similar to him. Perhaps this is because the scenarios wrote the same person to them - Kevin Williamson.

Unlike the "scream" or almost any other slash film, this tape was adapted from the novel of Lois Duncan. That's right, this film was originally a dramatic youth novel (published in 1973).

Of course, there were no bloody murders in the novel (one character was shot, but he survived), and it was focused mainly on a romantic relationship between the main heroine and her boyfriend.

9 Brave Heart (1995)

The historic film "Brave Heart" remembered, as one of the last films in which Mel Gibson was simply awesome. As a rule, no one even knows that it was founded at the epic poem of the XV century "Wallace" of the medieval Scottish bard, known as "Blind Harry".

Although the poem, which was told about the acts of Scots William Wallace, was used to write the plot of the film, the blind Harry knows extremely few, as about Wallace itself.

10 strong nut 4.0 (2007)

The films of the "Strong Nut" series are known that their scenarios were adapted from strange things, but in this case there is nothing particularly strange. The 2007 film was founded on the 1997 article by John Carlin "Goodbye weapons" in the magazine "Wired". The article describes "military games", intended for foresight and respond to an information attack.

Initially, on the basis of the article in 1999, the "www3.com" script was written about the attack of cyberrorists in the United States, but the shooting was frozen after the events of 9-11. Subsequently, the scenario was given to the franchise "Strong Oreshk". The film, as you know, could not please the fans and critics with its bloodless violence, "dilapidated" dialogues and absurd explosions.

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