Five psychological ways to warm up on the coldest day


Five psychological ways to warm up on the coldest day 35775_1

Amundsen said that the cold is the only thing to which you can not get used to (and I knew a lot about this). However, it can be scared. In the sense of the cold.

When frost-resistant comrades advise: "cold? Line warmer! ", We, Merzlyaki, from laughter only louder knocking teeth. They, in thick fools, do not understand: clothes - nothing, cold - everything. When the ice and dampness are piercing to you in the bone, all these hats are one thing. And even warming drinks and hot spices are not saved so that it is radically serious and for a long time, the only one who at least somehow can convince the body is that he does not fit the oak right now - this is the brain. Call him to help!

We must distract

When you step into the courtyard as in open space, from the top of the top heels paralyzed by the thought "Donnervetter, there is also a minus zero, 120 percent of humidity and 30 meters per second, to kill the barometer," you will not save you even a vacuum for the conditions of Pluto. When you run there, you're caught by the thought "Ours clearly already gathered, and this Mishkin brother is so cute, you have to have time to sit down," you will not catch even a mini from Organza. Verified fact: in the fall, in the winter it is necessary to live intensively. To a lot of events, news, cultural events, friendly female, personal madness. So that it simply did not have time to pay attention to the freezes.

Breathe deep!

First, you do yoga, and they guys are hot. Secondly, it also distracts. So, breathe exactly, breathing rhythmically, make breaths and exhalations longer. If you had to cut on a cold street for a long time and tedious, try such a warming breathing exercise. Inhale do through the nose to the bill to seven, then delay your breath to the account up to four, then exhale through the lips folded with a tube, too, to seven. Then the inhales are squeezing fists, we turn out on the exhalation. To the goal will come if not enlightened, then warmed.

"I'm hot, I'm hot!"


Do not laugh, autotraining is actually power. Only we all over him make up and lazy, so I get out. There are two points here: concentration and concreteness. Introducing myself mentally from the neighbors by the bus stop. And rub yourself confidently, with a clear visualization: "Here on August 25, 2014, I go out of the hotel" About Sea Mio ", and there is such a frying that the seagull is sent to the palm." You can also give the team: "Sogre-Waist!" Different places of their fragile organism. You start with your fingers, gradually rising all above. Hey, the bus came! And you can walk on foot, you can ventilate ...

We are very hot in Nyagan. Especially in summer, especially in the jacket, especially at the battery.

Give fire!

Another effective meditation for Sugen - chasing fire on your body. Also mentally, of course. Carefully imagine the fire somewhere in the area of ​​the tailbone. And now we stretch it into a post of fire and drive up to the spine. Such an internal central heating battery is formed. The festival of ice sculptures was completed by the wet mack contest ...

With color

The warmest colors are red, orange, yellow. Summer, sun, pioneer bonfire, hot stove. And the blue-blue-purple is we have, on the contrary, ice, space and "Do you warm, the girl, whether to you, blue". So renting your elegant indigo color sequins to the charity foundation and the Sapphire shade curtain. Red Plaid, orange umbrella, Canary cup - our best friends in such a crazy weather!

Warm around the photo

"To look at you cold!" - This is not a metaphor. We really warm warm visual images and cooled low-temperature. So hold the revision of the pictures around yourself: what looks at you from the monitor, what - from the frame on the table, what - from the picture above the table, what - from the photo wallpaper behind the back, and what - with the magnets on the refrigerator? Penguins and chibins step back, Hawaii and Surrirites step forward!

No, this is not a hard life, but in moth: in the summer - in fur coats, in winter - in T-shirts.

Incendiary rhythms

Five psychological ways to warm up on the coldest day 35775_3

Long live Samba and Rumba, Boss Nova and Cha Cha Cha, Latino Pop and Latino-Rock! In general, everything that sends us your hot greetings from hot countries. From them and the truth is blood runs on the veins faster. But all these depressive Swedish fries and zazazny Norwegian minimalists will temporarily remove from the eyes, that is, with ears. I'm staring in them somehow later, in a hot afternoon.

Nice memories

Not so long ago scientists (well, British, yes, well, and who without sin!) Founded by experiments on volunteers two interesting things. First, brighter the memories of what happened in non-fit weather (like products in the refrigerator) are preserved. And secondly, when you remember something pleasant (even what happened in non-fit weather!), Then you suffer less from the cold. So "the warmest memories remained" - this is also not a metaphor.

Laugh, gentlemen, it warms it!

Another great way to get started - it should be chopped from the heart. We break the favorite comedy, we invite you to visit the beloved ex-one-ladle, with one, with whom even a seminar on the theory of the Zhernomology turned into a standap show, share each other with friendly links to the "PIKS" texts from the heading "Humor"!

How disgusting in Russia cold! Dark and chorely, and I want to get drunk. Here you will leave, for example, scare the cat. And he is about the porch and is not afraid.

Slow and smooth


It is necessary to go to the cold to come warming. However, the transition should be gradual - so that without sharp drops from plus twenty in minus twenty. It is necessary to stand a little in the stairwell so that the body began to be impaired and adapt. By the way, in cold water, the doctors advise to enter the same way: do not dive at one moment with a wild leaf, and smoothly dive, gradually my shoulder shoulder at the shoes and other places.

Once in the student winter time, I came out of the house. And immediately went.


Modes "Fast Walking", "Tits and Sakes" and "Fist's knock on a fist" we turn on intuitive. But there is less energy-consuming and no less effective way to warm up - simply to strain the muscles. First, it helps strain the exhale of the muscles of the press, and then relax them on inhale. Secondly, the muscles of the neck. We are not in vain in the cold automatically pull the head into the collar: the increase in the tone in this area is the protective reaction of the body from supercooling. The body is already starting to produce 20-45% more heat! Practice to do it synchronously with the tension of the press. On the same algorithm: "Tenge to relax." Face freezes - strain the tongue, press it to the sky. Ideally, all at the same time. At least forget about what is happening by side, returning to the very first thing our item.

Autumn depression will soon end! Winter hibernation will come and spring exacerbation.

Do not fear cold


Cold is like a dog. Bites when they are afraid of him. Installation "Oh, in life I am such a marriage" cools stronger than the weather itself. So this vicious circle should be somehow broken. Well, let's say: here you have started going to the gym from this year - and now there is no such marriage. And even knowledge of such a feature - the reason to check with doctors. "Increased freezes" can be the result of iron deficiency anemia, or reduced pressure, or incorrect diet ... You can also cope with this - and remove the installation.

October It is time for the revolutions of the port of the alignment of the larynx and against the autumn of the upcoming

Do not be nervous

No, in principle, short-term stress is brown. When the room was watched with shouts: "Dates are burning, and she listens here and the Maldives contemplates, tram-pararams!", Somehow it becomes hot. Especially in the area of ​​the cheeks and ears. But this effect is briefly, and then the tump comes and it starts frowned. In general, stress drives the blood to the brain, distingcing it from the limbs. And they have you in this jumper and so ice. So, at the expense of times: "I'm calm, I have warm feet!"

Sleep well

First, it helps to implement the previous item - that is, it strengthens the nerves. Secondly, the dose of energy saves in the body and creates a heat reserve. Well, what if the nuclear winter, and you tired? This item should be said, the best of all reacted and understood the bears, hedgehogs and syrches. Oh, why did we happen from any of these wise animals?!

It happens that weather when the bed does not make sense at all.

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