How to overcome a feeling of hunger? 8 secrets from a nutritionist


How to overcome a feeling of hunger? 8 secrets from a nutritionist 35772_1
Wanting to transform your body, make it better and more beautiful, many primarily revise their nutrition, refuse harmful products, make up a useful diet.

Changing the diet often leads to the appearance of a constant feeling of hunger and it is important to learn how to cope with it, because if it is not done on time, there is a risk of breaking, return to the usual menu.

What is hunger?

Before trying to get rid of the constant feeling of hunger, it is important to figure out why such a feeling appears. Special hormones are responsible for his appearance, among which Grelin and Leptin are the most important. Grejn gives the brain signals that something should be eaten, while Leptin, on the contrary, sends signals about saturation. Situations are quite common when such hormones are excessively activated in the human body or vice versa are suppressed. As a result, the body ceases to act normally.

More food

Many in their desire to get rid of the excess weight or maintaining their body in the current state, refuse their food, prefer dietary products. As a result, the body does not receive a sufficient number of calories, a person is constantly experiencing a sense of hunger.

High protein products

Quickly satisfy and do not overeat helps protein. If you enter such products as much as possible in the diet, you can reduce the amount of portion and at the same time it will be perfectly cope with the thoughts of the feeling of hunger. Less portion is consumed less calories, and gradually overweight will leave.

Useful fiber

The fiber itself is not absorbed in the human body, but it is necessary. The main advantage of its advantage is the rapid filling of the stomach, which leads to the appearance of a sense of saturation. In case of fermentation in the intestine, the fiber contributes to the production of fatty acids, which contribute to the appearance of a feeling of satiety. When introduced into the ration of products of rich fiber, the feeling of satiety increases by almost a third.

Preference for solid food

There is a considerable amount of diets, according to which liquid products are recommended. It was even confirmed by research. The feeling of hunger is faster satisfied with solid food, it takes more space in the stomach. Such food has to chew, which also helps to quench the hunger.

Plenty of water

For a while before meals, it is recommended to drink water. Studies have shown that it is possible to reduce the size of the portion and at the same time can be satisfied if there is a couple of water glasses before meals.

Snack apples

During weight loss, it is often recommended to eat more apples. First of all, it should be noted that this product contains in a large amount of fiber, which has already been mentioned. In addition, fructose is present in apples, helping to increase the glycogen of the liver, with a decrease in which a person begins to feel a feeling of hunger.

Slow and focused

Many get used to eating in front of a TV or with friends, colleagues when you can pass and chat. Such a habit is considered very harmful. Since the brain has to be distracted, and it does not always understand the signals about saturation. In order not to convey, it is necessary to eat slowly, and at the same time concentrate on food.

Physical exercise

Regular loads help reduce the activity of those areas of the human brain, which are responsible for the addiction to food, and therefore with their help you can reduce the desire to eat. Many noticed that the feeling of hunger most often arises when a person is bored. So that this does not happen, you should find a way to distract, for example, go for a walk, spend homework, etc.

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