5 best workouts that will help effectively break up with weight


5 best workouts that will help effectively break up with weight 35770_1

Gymnastics is the best way to burn fat and grow muscle. For each woman, it is very important to work on your body if she really wants to wear summer outfits and luxurious dresses. If someone thinks that there are some magic pills that will make losing weight, there are bad news for her. It's just a false hope that a person gives himself. The decision is only one thing - start training.

The process of weight loss is very difficult not only in the physical plane. There is also a problem with the fact that you need to get up every morning and motivate yourself, saying: "I can do it." We give examples of 5 exercises that will help you effectively lose weight.

1. High intensity interval training

High intensity interval training (HIIT) are classes that alternate short high-intensity intervals with longer recovery periods. You can perform a variety of high-intensity exercises, such as squat jumps, jumping with drop, high knee lifting, etc. The chip is to be laid out completely in a short period of time. If you do exercises with high intensity, it increases the emission of growth hormones, which are used as fats.

2. Rope

Compared with running jumping with a rope burned more calories. They provide a workout of the whole body, and most effectively work for the tones and development of the muscles of the hips, the legs and the calf muscles. On the other hand, it is also not bad for the press and muscles of the hands. And the best in these workouts is that the props takes up little space, and that there is no need to leave somewhere.

3. Walking

Walking is the easiest exercise for weight loss. In just 30 minutes walk, you can burn almost 150 calories. Walking is a training with low intensity, and if someone is a newcomer in the world of fitness, then there is nothing better than fast walking. You need to warm up for 5 minutes, starting from a speed of 8 km / h, then increase the speed of walking to 11 km / h and continue to go for 5-7 minutes before slowing down to 5 km / h. Repeat this need every 5 minutes.

4. Raising the stairs

In the world, full elevators, people completely ignore the stairs. But if someone wants to lose weight faster, he should be climbing home on foot. This is an excellent exercise that tones the bottom of the body and strengthens the bones of the legs. In addition, while rose home, at the same time soften for training.

5. Planck

Planck is one of the best exercises that are very simple and require pretty little effort, but bring a lot of health benefits. Planck is a phenomenal exercise to strengthen the spine, since it simultaneously uses several muscle groups. Also, this exercise will help to have a more tagged stomach, improved posture, flexibility and balance.

And finally, do not forget about one nuance: to see faster results, you need to regularly play sports and comply with the correct diet.

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