What procedures should be chosen in the beauty salon to be in shape by summer


What procedures should be chosen in the beauty salon to be in shape by summer 35769_1

To the summer season, everyone wants to look slim, have beautiful skin, that's just not always manage to work out. Create existing shortcomings and look beautiful for the season of vacations. Some cosmetic procedures help. The advantage of them is that they help much faster than sports.

If fitness gives a desired result if you do systematically and in winter and at the beginning of spring, as well as maintain yourself in good condition in warm time, then the salon procedures can be started in the last month of spring.

Professional massage

Such a procedure is simply necessary for representatives of weak gender, which has a pronounced cellulite. It is worth noting that it will not be possible to get rid of it with the most serious physical exertion, as an effective way in the fight against such a problem is deep massage of tissues, which will contribute to the removal of liquid, as well as the splitting of fat cells. For these purposes, you can choose any massage from manual to hardware.

What procedures should be chosen in the beauty salon to be in shape by summer 35769_2

Handmade massage is good because the professional will be able to pay more attention to the most problematic zones, it will work more carefully. At the same time, one should not forget that the tired master can miss some zones, will not make a proper impact on them, and therefore, in general, the quality of massage will be reduced. In the case of a hardware massage, each zone is uniformly worked out, only the massage itself and the effect of it do not like everything.

Salon peeling

What procedures should be chosen in the beauty salon to be in shape by summer 35769_3

Such procedures are recommended for women and girls who have dull skin color, the skin is peeling. Professional cosmetic salons offer a variety of peeling options, among which everyone can choose the most pleasant option. Be sure to consult with the master, tell him about skin sensitivity, allergies. Only in this case will be the best abrasive material for the best result.


Such a salon procedure helps to return the elasticity of the skin. It will be attractive for those who actively engaged in physical exertion and sharply dropped extra kilograms. During my content, it is exposed not only to the skin, it comes to muscles. In the course of such a procedure, special linings are stacked in the right places, and the current is carried out. The muscles under such an impact are reduced and after a session may have sensations as after sports activities. Mostimulation improves blood circulation and warms the skin. Positive results are becoming noticeable after three sessions, but the full course requires ten such sessions.

What procedures should be chosen in the beauty salon to be in shape by summer 35769_4

By the way, there is a more modern procedure with the name of SlimUp, in which the exposure to the current is complemented by the infrared radiation. The procedure is carried out lying and in its course the muscles are very much reduced, which can be not very pleasant to some, but the result is amazing. One such session occupying 40 minutes is equal to three sports training in efficiency.


Sometimes extra volumes are just the reason that the body does not cope with the elimination of excess fluid. Wraps from algae are an effective way to deal with swelling. The procedure is long, but pleasant. After a couple of sessions, the result becomes noticeable. By the way, after such wraps, the skin condition is improved, which becomes smooth and soft.

What procedures should be chosen in the beauty salon to be in shape by summer 35769_5

Cosmetic salons offer a lot of diverse procedures for beauty, but it will not work out the perfect body state without physical exertion. It must be found for yourself to find pleasant and sink exercise, which can be, for example, swimming or even walking.

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