How to quickly grow hair after unsuccessful haircut


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Unsuccessful haircut - trouble, but this is not the end of the world. There are a number of simple, but very effective techniques that will allow faster to grow hair and correct all imperfections.

Proper head wash

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First, that even the most unsuccessful haircut look more attractive, at the end of the hair washing, rinse them needs cool water - it will give them shine. Make curls are stronger, healthy and accelerate their growth with natural oils of almonds and Castorca - just bought spray with them in the composition. After washing, you should not squeeze your hair with strength so as not to damage them, it is quite easy to get into a towel. And finally - never comb your hair while they are raw - it leads to their strong damage. An exception to this rule can be soft bristle comb.

Head massage

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On the speed of hair growth affects the blood flow in the head of the head. If it is broken, then the bulbs of the hair suffer from the lack of oxygen and nutrients, which is growing slower and look not in the best way. To correct the situation and help your hair - regularly make a massage of the scalp, applying avocado oils, sunflower, Shi or Olives. They can be used in its pure form or use cosmetics with them in the composition.

In the water bath, a little warm the oil, then moisten the fingers in it and start massaging the skin under the hair slightly pressed. It is enough to allocate about three minutes to allocate about the whole process, and leave the oil itself on the skin for half an hour, after which you can get into the washing of the hair.

Use of useful products

At the state of strands, the entire lifestyle of a person affects the case of the magnitude of the day, the smaller stress than more useful food, the healthier and more beautiful hair. To maintain the aesthetic attractiveness of the hair and stimulate their growth, you need to reconsider your nutrition. Add vegetables and fruits with a high content of iron to your diet - apples, pumpkin, cabbage, grenades - as well as with a lot of vitamin E - nuts and seeds.

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Omega-3 fatty acids - walnuts, legumes, tofu cheese, flax seeds will become a valuable addition to the health diet.

Mask with yeast

Not enough. There is an expression "grow as on yeast", the valuable properties of this product can be used in the struggle for beautiful long hair. In the process of care, the most ordinary bakery tremors will be used.

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For the preparation of the mask you need to pour with warm milk one bracket of yeast, and then add a spoon of natural honey. Ready weight should remind Cashitz. The resulting composition should be distributed on the roots of the hair, to slaughter with a film, wrapped with a towel and leave for half an hour.

No less effective, but a simpler way to care for hair is to acquire a panthenol to go to shampoo - it strengthens the strands, gives them health and shine.

But from purchased hair growth activators, it is better to refuse - often there are aggressive components in their composition, which often irritate the scalp and can provoke allergic reactions.

In some cases, their use leads to a direct opposite effect. But if the desire to try such funds is very large, then before applying a new drug on all the scalp, it is better to experience it in a small area to make sure there are no side effects.

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