We destroy myths about bbw: wearing other size is dedicated


We destroy myths about bbw: wearing other size is dedicated 35763_1
On the edge of the foul, on the verge of discrimination, on the verge of common washed - or beyond: myths, illusions, misconceptions about women whose blouse size is slightly higher than M and much higher than XS.

1. Full women do not like themselves

"Extra kilograms" - from dislike for yourself. Full woman - the sidelled woman and the exhausted woman's hands. She does not follow himself and does not want to gain former attractiveness. She has no power to take himself in hand and go to himself.

Synonym for a complete woman - Baba: a person of almost third floor, devoid of concise figurine of femininity, and at the same time self-esteem.

Antithesis. Alas, but complete women easier to suspect in unnecessary attention to the issue of physical shape and attractiveness. How many strength they leave in the gym, which diet and tricks are facing the wardrobe - the wardrobe and did not dream.

We destroy myths about bbw: wearing other size is dedicated 35763_2

They themselves are a nutritiologist, a nutritionist, a gastroenterologist and psychotherapist. They are engaged in fitness, yoga and pilates, running and crossfit - Horders unknown tricks, which are going to gain the form of those whose metabolism slowed down and other hormonal background.

2. They want to lose weight

They are most of life on a diet - even when they sleep. And when they sleep - they sleep and see themselves with phytonies and envy the anorexic loudshes.

Antithesis. Psychologists believe that the conversations in favor of losing weight are under one reason. Full women are forced to play according to the rules of society, where completeness is a parameter, discrimination on which is considered acceptable.

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Many are afraid to voice the cramole idea that they love themselves in their body and in their weight. It is against public rules and canons of beauty, it is almost indecent - not to love yourself! So attribute Hercules feats in gits and dietary surveys.

3. Full women ugly and early old

Magnificent forms are associated with the absence of physical shape, muscle tone, elastic leather. Fullness - synonym for declarations, cellulite - almost aging.

Antithesis. And the other way around! Due to the skin: Male full women later. And not because the skin is "stretched" on the face, and is not going to the folds and wrinkles. The metabolism and hormonal background is to blame.

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At the physiological level, their old age will come much later due to more female hormones, slow metabolism: the fewer cycles of redox reactions occur in the body, the further than its aging. And still in complete women, the skin type is more often combined, fat - less prone to small wrists, to declarations. Their skin is more elastic, elastic.

Regarding the figure: Many full women are very tightened, their muscular tone is higher than that of sunflowers ladies.

And the worst for lovers of myths: many complete cellulite has no complete! The "enemy of the century" attacks thin as often as complete, but the latter fat tissues are distributed more evenly, the thinnests are postponed in certain places.

4. Full women are not sexy

Not sexy, they are not a sexy object, they have a low libido. It would be more - they are interested only donuts, diets and measurements of their own circles.

Antithesis. And this myth dispel men. They do not appreciate the sexuality of a woman with its weight, and physical appeal is not measured by kilograms. So it was always: in antiquity, and in the era of Renaissance, and today, in the era of the bodiposive.

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As for libido, there is a scientific refutation of myth. Full women most often the level of estrogen, hormones, on libido affecting, normally or elevated - which you can not say about the hardships. Sound women suffer from hormonal disorders are more often complete, and it is slumbling ladies of libido.

5. They are stupid homemakes and lazy

Bbw in curlers and bathrobe, sirring over the donkeys - a collective image of a full woman. Cutlets and donuts - the image of thoughts, lifestyle - who have become "perfectly". To change the same way of life and your image such women allegedly do not want. And again from a small mind. And - from laziness.

Antithesis. Millions of girls and ladies wearing "other" size lead an active lifestyle, combine a career and family, find time for sports, hobbies, travels. They are full of energy - by the way, the physiological parameters of the hardness are inferior to them in physical strength, energetic.

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Among the complete successful politicians and business women, creative personalities - their potential is huge. No wonder in the phrase "the horse will stop the horse, in the burning hut will go," the image rises a firmly shot down woman, and not a fragile maidy figure.

So it was always: in these lush handles, all all: and family hearth, and welfare, and the world as a whole.

We lowered the entry into the fact that to judge a person in size and weight - not ethically and not logical: it will be the final thesis. And more ...

The myths were lowered from the fact that the full women eat a lot, they don't want to know about sports, do not be famous for health - fortunately, myths are almost forgotten. Let them dispel and other, hovering around those who wear different size, and spoiling the lives of all women. Why all? And because the size, like the weight, is dynamic, and the magnitude is not constant. And the beauty that in kilograms do not measure - the beauty of eternal.

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