10 proven ways to cheered if you still want to sleep


10 proven ways to cheered if you still want to sleep 35758_1

Flowers and birds are twisted on the yard, and you barely crawl and fall on the go. Wake up - the feat, in the subway - you cut off, look - like zombies. And in fact, you just have a pressure below the plinth. True, hypotonik, help is nearing!

Of course, it is nice to hear from the doctors that you will live for a long time (but FIGO). And somewhat less pleasant - that there are no magic tablets from this thing. And all these are your ginsengi, Elewerococci and Rhodiologists Pink - that you drink that you are listening to the radio. Coffee - from the ears already splashes ... Let's try to come to the case comprehensively and apply 10 methods from PICS. Stressful or unreal (type "in the morning refuse with cold water" or "Sleep every day at 10 o'clock at least") among them!

What and how to eat to cheer up

  • Firstly, in the main, it is necessary. Hungry hypotonik - half-hearted hypotonik. Five-volume nutrition is quite normal if the portions are small.
  • The most correct first breakfast is a pair of oil sandwiches and strale cheese. How to work and start waking up, it's time to make the second.
  • The most correct lunch is a liver, salad of cabbage, can be sauer, cannon cucumbers. Generally salinic - our everything.
  • For dessert or snack - chocolate. Very useful silky, she is a mulberry. If it doesn't grow in your locality, then the jam may well grow in the store.
  • From the pharmacy along the way home we endure hematogen and ascorbic. There are a penny, and help not bad.

And, girls, no hungry diets! Otherwise, you will lie all so beautiful and thin - and completely cold.

And what to drink immediately?


  • You know everything about coffee, you probably have a hot and passionate novel with him. That's just an ambush in the fact that only the first morning cup of natural freshly hammer helps in fact. And then - one unsuccessful race for a dose.
  • Do you like green tea? Drink! Not really? Peah Mate!
  • Compote from dried fruits or a tincture of rosehip is also from our diet of vigorous liquids.

A good thing of Cahors - just not the pollutalky for sitting, but she is three times a day. Cognac is also treated in homeopathic doses. No drunkenness of the digestion for the sake of, and toocco so that blood according to the vessels fit.

Royal Milk

This thing can be bought in a pharmacy in powder. No complicated cocktails and gavways require. Little pinch put under the tongue and wait until completely dispersed. Take three times a day before meals.

"Honey lemonade"

We take several lemons, cut, pull the seeds and grind. We put into the bank, fill the liter of water, close. Let stand on the day and a half in the refrigerator. Now there is a jar of liquid honey, mix and again we send to the refrigerator. You need to take this taste in a pair of tablespoons for half an hour before eating three times a day.

Awakening Samomassage

Very helping to wake up, shake down: the main thing is to know where it is most useful to press. First, it is the points along the carotid artery from top to bottom. Secondly, the depression between the nose and the upper lip. Third, the center of the head and the base of the skull. Baska begins to spin - massive ears and thumb left. The head is still cool to massage such a special thing - which passes under the party nicknames "Mushka", "Magic Fingers" or "Idea Generator" and perfectly helps to wake up at the work noon.

And in the mornings, while they are cambal and trying to tear off the sheets, processed the feet of a rigid massage brush. All the same, there is no full charge to make the strength - and the blood sticks.

Activity - what it turns out!

Load-shmagors ... Thank you, of course, expensive advisors, but they themselves would try to jump on their aerobics and showned by their iron with such cliquers on the instruments. From training, you go - a head as a watermelon, the legs are fenced and the tail falls off ... So, you still need to move anyway, you do not care anything. But when there are no silholes, and sharp movements are completely contraindicated, you need to move as you can. At least, as in that joke, slowly and sad. It is not necessary to jump: a long time to wander or not to ride the park on a large. At the same time you run by oxygen, which noticeably lacks in the blood.

Staying Alive.

It is useful to include loud rhythmic music, actively singing and tapping rhythm. Beware, neighbors: hypotonik is treated! And, by the way, with the same purpose it is very recommended to laugh. So the subscription to the PICS is theity that the doctor prescribed! ;)

Aromatherapy for cheerfulness

Strong smells are toned, revived and clarify the brain. Not unpleasant, of course. Lilac plowed - Nyukhai Jasmine, Jasmine went away - the orange or grapefruit fee. You can drop the essential oil (rosemary, geranium, bergamot) - two drops on the handkerchief. Yes, by the way about our beloved coffee: it can also be successfully taking not inside, but in the form of "purely sniff"!

For Sugen

Ice paws are not a guy, it is wearing hippo ... that is, hypotoniki. Before the limbs, blood simply does not fit as it should. Three hands, put your feet. It is possible to heating on the nose, in particular seven cases - briefly on the chest. Woolen socks on feet. And if there is an opportunity, paws periodically in hot water.

Main invigorating recipe: score!

A huge secret for a rather big company of hypotoniki: our feature is hereditary, places from other sores, but very much - what is called, from nerves. Stresses, psychotrauma, neurosis, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, these are all charms. Therefore, when the boss is yelling on you, begging mother-in-law or instigators Psycho on a jeep, tell them to everyone (at least about ourselves): not guys, I can not listen to me for medical testimony. I am better a coffee maker with a brandy, warm souls and in the bed of aparthes for ten. Purely for treatment!

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