How the lack of sleep affects the skin and on the hair


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Sleep is fine, and inclipboard is very good. And? Constant lack of sleep negatively affects not only the state of health, but also for beauty. And what exactly is fraught with lack of sleep for appearance - tell me in this article.

What is the body difference and wake

The main task of sleep is to restore the body forces spent per day. While we sleep, the metabolism is accelerated, updated at the cellular level. According to scientists, during sleep, the rate of dividing brain cells, leather and blood increases by as much as 200-300%, and the process reaches its peak approximately to the oxide o'clock. But this does not happen if the person does not sleep by this time.

During the night rest, the influx of blood to the skin is organized, melatonin, growth hormone, and is also produced by a new portion of collagen. That is why leaving cosmetics with salicylic acid and retinol, for example, they advise to apply for the night - at this time the day there is no risk of pigmentation (because there are no sun rays) and the skin itself becomes more susceptible to such substances.

Appears rash

During sleep, the process of stress - cortisol hormone is significantly reduced - which directly affects the sweating and secretion of the skin. But the lack of sleep, on the contrary, leads to an increase in its number in the body. The lack of sleep causes the body to experience stress, he slowly begins to go crazy - the skin from this becomes much more fat, the pores are clogged, comedones and acne appear.

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It is clearly expressed by such problems on the combined and oily skin, which and with normal dream prone to such trouble. Exacerbate the situation and stress with which the person faces almost daily. And already emerged acne and traces from the pedestal are much slower, if there is a lack of sleep.

Aging happens faster

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Regular lack of sleep manifests itself on appearance also in the form of dull and uneven colors of the face, under the eyes there are bags and dark circles. The skin itself becomes less elastic, its elasticity is lost, wrinkles appear, and the sowing faces spread. Therefore, in order to stay young and beautiful for a long time - you need to sleep fully and do not stand late.

Infections arise

One of the frequent causes of skin diseases is a lack of sleep. Inclime reduces the body's immune defense, therefore, a person more often suffers from a different kind of misfortunes in the form of fungus, eczema, herpes, unlike those who sleep fully.

Pigmentation appears

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During sleep in the body, natural antioxidants appear in the body, which help the dermis in the fight against the negative impact of the environment, including with UV radiation. The lack of sleep noticeably reduces the level of such protection, which increases the risk of both pigmentation and burns. And do not forget that an aggressive sun is not only in the summer, but also the rest of the year.

Hair becomes thinner

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When we sleep, the body produces a special protein that helps to strengthen the hair lows. If the lack of sleep happens regularly, the depleted bulb will lead to the fact that the hair will look dull, lifeless and fall out, and this does not paint anyone.

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