Acquaintance with future mother-in-law: how to make a good impression?


Acquaintance with future mother-in-law: how to make a good impression? 35755_1

For a harmonious and happy marital life, just one understanding with her husband is not always enough. As practice shows, relations with mother-in-law also affect the atmosphere in the family of newlyweds. How to bring with future mother-in-law? How to behave like the first meeting?

1. Correct the outfit

Going to a meeting with future mother-in-law, be sure to take care of its appearance. As you know, we are celebrated by clothes. So try to make the first impression of mother-in-law about you positive.

2. Make a symbolic gift

You can also place my chief my chief of my chosen one at the first meeting with a modest souvenir, a color bouquet or a pleasant trifle made with your own hands. Here you will have to give the will of fantasy. You can bake for mother-in-law pie if you are on you. Or, perhaps, you will have talents in needlework.

3. Suggest your help in the kitchen

If the meeting takes a visit to the mother-in-law and by entering her to the house, you understand that it is planned to be a feast or tea drinking, be sure to offer your groom's mom's help in the kitchen. Any mom will be pleased to "give away the Son in the hands of a caring hostess.

4. praise, make a compliment

You can make a good impression on my mother-in-law by making her sincere compliment to her or her son. But keep in mind that the frank flattery most often repels. So do not overdo the praise.

5. behave restrained

Sometimes the mother-in-law consciously and purposefully provoke future daughter-in-law on the manifestation of emotions. In this way, the man's mother is trying to figure out how keen on and is brought up his chosen. Do not give in to provocations, keep calm, even if a hurricane raises inside you. When the mother-in-law sees that it is not easy to bring you out of myself, she will change the Maneru of communication to a more friendly and friendly.

6. Prepare a story about yourself

Do not attempt to seem too correct and perfect during your mother-in-law. The narrowness and threshold will like it always rush. Do not be lazy to prepare a small story about yourself: about your hobbies and work, family and plans for the future. Note that your story should be neutral, and your progress should not subside the merits of your chosen one. Simply put, do not let yourself demonstrate your intellectual or social superiority over your man.

7. Be careful to your man

During the acquaintance with the mother-in-law, try to be the most benevolent as possible, both to the mother-in-law and her son. Any mom will be glad to see next to his son a caring and loving woman. Even if you are accustomed to communicate with a man in a kind of manner: with mockery and piercing each other, it is better to postpone such communication until you stay together. Mom's husband is not at all necessary to see what a hot and specific love you have.

Whatever happens, try to behave most naturally and easily. And remember, the bad first impression of yourself can always be changed.

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