Testament Peter I A la França: Real document or Falsification


Testament Peter I A la França: Real document or Falsification 35751_1
The absence or insufficiency of historical documents, unjustified classification and the near-scientific interpretation of archival data are the main causes of the appearance of white and dark spots in the history of Russia. However, not only these factors led to the appearance of ridiculous speculations, inaccuracies imposed by versions and frank falsifications. It is believed that the public consciousness is purposefully pressed, and fragmentary lzhevsias contrary to logic continue to live and distort the holeous truthful vision of the historical picture.

Petra La France Testament

The very fact of the appearance of the testament of Peter I in French is the reason to think about the authenticity of the document. The king could not write a software program for the state and a state-significant document in French. If such a testament was, the Russian emperor had to turn to the heirs and successors of power in their native language. Peter I knew German, Dutch, English and French. If we assume that for some reason the sovereign wanted to leave the will in a foreign language, I would rather prefer, of course, German. To present the Sovereign Testament in the original howls could not, for nor in Russian, nor French, nor in any other language there is no such document.

Authors and co-authors Le Testament de Pierre Le Grand

The book of the French Luzora historian "On the increase in Russian power from its very beginning to the XIX century" with fragmentary retelling allegedly, Peter I came out at the end of 1812. At first, the book with Le Testament De Pierre Le Grand without a documentary confirmation of a special excitement did not produce, but later, accompanied by intriguing legend gained mad popularity. When writing his opus, the gauge allegedly relied on a copy of the "Plan of European domination", forcing the French spy Chevalier D'Eon. The name of the book and the year of the publication eloquently testify to the appearance of such a document. It is not difficult to guess the true intentions of the falsifiers: it was necessary to create an image of eternally aggressive Russia with its insidious imperial plans for Europe's enslavement.

It should be noted that until 1836, the secret Russian document was called "Project, Plan, Secret Memoirs" Peter I. After the "Creative Team" was worked on the fake, the full text of the "Willow of Peter, Emperor and the Al-Russian Woman" appeared. Hands of politics, diplomats and generals attached to the last option.

Interesting results of studies of the historian of Oreste's orice. The Canadian scientist concluded that the final text of the will was written by the Polish General Mikhal Sokolnitsky served by Napoleon. It turned out that even at the beginning of the 18th century, the thoughts of the Russian expansion were set forth in the letters of Hungarian ambassadors of Ferenci II Rakoki, then this topic was revived by the Zaporizhia Hetman Philip of Orlyr and Polish princes of Blacks.

14 points of testament - standard tactics of the Great Power

The vitality and the believability of a non-existent will be explained by the fact that the natural aspirations of any state: the strengthening of the borders, the return of the lost territories, the expansion of political influence, the search for the exit to the sea, the establishment of trade relations - falsifiers turned into the embodiment of the Testaments of the Tsar.

The testament precedes the appeal of Peter to the successor and the government of Russian, then the king proclaims himself the defender of Orthodox. Next, the theses are presented in which permanent wars are prescribed, by intrigue to embroil Europe, to join Poland to Russia, expel Turkey from the Black Sea and go to the Indian Ocean.

Not the crimsible custodian, compilers of the will in 14 points listed the main military events and the foreign policy of Peter I, and the plan turned out to be a plan for which Russia was supposed to become not only European, but also by Eurasian hegemon. The first and second Azov campaigns for access to the sea - the incarnation of the covenant "get closer to Eliko is close to Constantinople and India." The conclusion of the Northern Union, the Northern War, the battle under Poltava perfectly fit into the item in which the king "bequeathed" to provoke Sweden and burst European countries. The great embassy, ​​the creation of the Russian fleet, the construction of St. Petersburg, the accession of Kamchatka to the Russian crown, the marriage of emperors on the German princesses was interpreted as the cunning idea of ​​the Russian emperor for the century.

Peter I lived, alive and will live

The so-called Peter's testa emerges whenever Russia "dares" to lead an active foreign policy and protect his interests. Polish uprisings, Russian-Japanese war, Military confrontation with Turkey on the Black Sea, the first and second world wars - for dismociencies to Russia politicians have an excellent reason to explicit the imperial plans of Russian barbarians.

In the book of John Hekkette "The Third World War: Unpassed History" The notorious will cause the future war. The author is not without glast irony writes that due to the continuity of the power and strict following concepts of the will, after a century, Peter the Great could be aware of the current affairs and be satisfied with all the authorities in the Kremlin.

Despite the fact that academic science convincingly proved to the substrate of this document, during the three centuries, unscrupulous policies actively use false events in propaganda purposes.

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