Secrets and curse of the Palace of Yusupova on washing


Secrets and curse of the Palace of Yusupova on washing 35749_1

St. Petersburg is rich in the palaces, but a kind of building on a sink occupies a completely special place among them. And it's not just a fantastic luxury of the inner decoration, but in that mystical haloe, which is inseparable from the generic nest of Yusupov.

Main out of 57 palaces

The palace is obliged by B.N.Yusupov - a unpelled rich one, who served at the courtyard of the chamber and, because of this, forced to constantly stay in St. Petersburg. Given the status of Yusupov, the removable apartment and speech could not be. Boris Nikolayevich bought in the Branitskaya Countess built in the 1770s in the style of classicism Palace, paying 250 thousand rubles. Assignments. Since Yusupov owned another 56 palaces in Russia and after her turns, perhaps initially he did not assume that this particular palace becomes the main residence of the genus and will go down in history. But in its restructuring on the project A. M. Mikhailov and the arrangement of interiors B.N.Yusupov invested in full, spending in 1830-1838. huge amounts.

The internal space of the palace at B.N.Yusupov shared to the private part - there were bedrooms and other premises of family members, and the parade, to which Mauritanian, green, blue and imperial living rooms belong. The main task of the latter was to focus on the guests, demonstrating the extraordinary opportunities and the boundless wealth of Yusupov. And today, carefully recovered interiors make visitors dying in admiration: after all, literally every object of the situation is a work of art.

In the time of Yusupeva, small vases filled with precious stones were stood on decorated inlaid, and the walls of the art gallery were taken from the top of the Donise to the masterpieces of world painting. Of course, the inhabitants of the palace could not do without a greenhouse, dance and concert halls, but even without the home theater. In the last and today they are performing, the audience enjoy not only excellent acoustics, but also a magnificent gold-plated decor in the baroque spirit.

However, gloomy secrets are hiding behind the beauty and luxury of the palace, as the radiance of the yuspelnovy darkened black legends.

Curse and ghosts

The Yusuf Yusupov, who originated from the Nogai Khan was transferred from generation to generation a legend, according to which his relatives rejected by Islam Khan paid some sordula, and she put a terrible curse on his descendants. They are destined to have only one heir or heiress - all other children will die, without surviving up to 26 years. Above the legend could be laughed, if it were not for one circumstance: from the middle of the 18th century. And until 1917, in the family of Yusupov, only one child lived to mature years. Moreover, the curse was spread not only on sons, but also on daughters: so, sister Z. Nyusupova Tatiana died 22 years (today her tombstone monument can be seen in one of the halls of the palace). Died for duels in 25 years and the elder brother Felix Yusupova.

Under the influence of a curse, or for a different reason, but also the Lord, and the servants lived in the palace periodically faced strange phenomena. In the locked rooms they sounded someone's voices, in dark corridors, have been made at midnight whose shadows. But in the authentic "house with ghosts", the Yusupovsky Palace turned the very felix that entered the story as the murderer of Tusputina.

House of the killer

To this day, almost untouched by bricks, a semi-oiled bricks, where at the end of December 1916, Yusupov and other participants in the conspiracy were lured by the Siberian "elder". The mixture room was convenient not only because it did not reach the sounds, but also because it had a separate door to the street.

Whatever the personal and political dislike of Yusupov to Rasputin, the cruel murder of the guest in the house and hands of the owner is an unforgivable sin according to all religions of the world. It is not surprising that a hundred years later, something unfaithful in the majestic halls is felt, a kind of dark aura, and the home-museum staff prefer not to linger in it after the working day. With this dark aura, I could not do anything even the Soviet government, who settled the house of the teacher in the palace. And in the 1930s, and today in numerous palace mirrors, a bearded face with insane eyes is reflected from time to time, as if the soul of a man killed here, and did not find the way out of the palace turned into a trap.


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