12 best Russian cards, which will help travel

12 best Russian cards, which will help travel 35748_1

Despite the fact that Russian cinema is accepted to scold, there are many excellent films that can serve as a postcard for cities where their action occurs. Do not believe? Then your attention is a dozen of the best Russian cards. Let's not delay, let's start!

Opens our list of tape Nikolai Homeriki "Tale about the darkness" 2009. The plot of ribbons, which is more suitable for arthaus cinemas, unfolds in distant Vladivostok. The main heroine is a girl who replaced his personal life with work, and immersed in her head. Thanks to the realistic transmitted atmosphere of the Far East and the city on the shores of the Japanese Sea, the life of which Moscow almost did not affect, it becomes clear how much Vladivostok differs from what the majority of Russians are in 2000 rubles. Simply put, if you try to cover the whole picture - it becomes clear how unusual and the city, and people, in it living.

And now we will be transferred to the capital of Tatarstan - Kazan. After all, it is there that the film Dmitry Korobkin "Treasures OK" year 2013. Despite the fact that the film about the adventures and search for treasures did not gain great popularity from critics and spectators, already in one one can praise it, namely, the beauty of Kazan and its surroundings. The Volga River, the incredible beauty of the lake and the ancient building is very cool bailed director and crew, and the film became a great avenue for tourists.

2014 was very busy on the events, and one of the first such events was the Olympics in Sochi. It is worth saying that the directors could not miss such a chance to demonstrate the beauties of local resorts. A vivid example was the film Evgenia Nevsky "In Sports only girls", the plot of which unfolds in the town of Red Polyana. Despite the beauty of the actresses and overall comic action, the film is remembered more than the beautiful views of ski resort, which has led to the fact that many viewers want to ski or snowboard on the slopes of Krasnaya Polyana after the Olympics.

Who would have thought that the adaptation of the book by Sergei Minaev "Duhless", made by Roman Prygunov and released in 2011, could be an excellent guide to Moscow. But in Moscow is not friendly, but very cold, tough and at the same time - the charging energy for new achievements. And now millions of people, including - and the main character, are forced to live in its accelerating rhythm. What else in our time?

And now let's follow in Nizhny Novgorod. After all, it is there that the events of the film Alexey of the desired "Lucky", who came to the screens in the beginning of this year. Someone could say that the history of the girl seeking to get rid of excess weight is somewhat lost against the background of frames with views of the city and Oku. But many spectators (and critics - too) counted the footage of Nizhny Novgorod with a relevant addition to the main action. Do not believe? Ensure yourself.

The first half of our list closes the film Danili Kozlovsky "Coach", which came out in the spring of this year to rent. The history of the football coach, who passed through disqualification and the triumphant return after many years, is held in Novorossiysk. The city is a port, he is a naval base, he is an important transport center, Novorossiysk is only guessed thanks to a narrow streets, sea and excellent types of Caucasian mountains. But it does not make it less worthy to visit tourists. In the end, he can become an excellent alternative to many adler and Sochi.

Do you think that the tragic history of the former biologist, forced by the will of the Fate to retrain in the school teacher of geography can not be a tourist avenue? Think again before being taken for watching the film Alexander Vedinsky "Geographer Globe Propil" 2013. Despite the overall gloom of history, there is a place and beauties of Perm and the region. Uswi poles, the embankment of Kama, the mountain rivers are quite a good set for relax lovers in harsh conditions.

The location of the Puratorna Plateau, where the tape of Alexander Melnik "Territory" of 2015, based on the novel of Oleg Kuvaeva, is unfolded. The plot talks about how the richest gold deposit was found in Soviet times in the extreme north. It is stupid to deny that such a story herself is worthy of admiration, but with the beauty of the taiga, a lot of rivers and species of nature, the film becomes an excellent guide for those who would prefer to leave not at sea, but somewhere where it is colder.

This year, the film Alexey Teacher "Walk" is executed exactly 15 years from the moment of entering the screens. It is worth saying that the story of three people, where there is a place and flirting, and tears, and even frightening secrets, plays completely different colors when it comes to location, where everything happens. Such a location is St. Petersburg, where the squares, alleys and many channels are perfectly combined with the views of the modern metropolis. Therefore, the best option will not see the film about this city, but go there yourself.

"Bronze" winner of our list is hard to call tourist avenue. After all, the story in the film is not at all about the beauties of the town of Teriberka on the shores of the Barents Sea (although they play an important role), but about how hard it takes a simple person in confrontation with the bureaucratic car. We are talking about the film Andrei Zvyagintseva "Leviafan" 2014 - perhaps one of the most ambiguous films of recent years. Despite criticizing the authorities, the film became known all over the world, and the town itself (although temporarily) received his stake on the part of tourists.

"Silver" on the list gets the film Ainur Askarov "From Ufa with love", released last year. It is already clear from the name, which city is becoming location for the adventures of a young guy who only returned from the army, and who fell into an unpleasant situation with the bride. Quest search for family jewelry occurs against the background of the Bashkir capital - warm, sports, complete youth. In a word, a worthy film in order to packet suitcases after viewing it and take a ticket to Ufa.

Our list closes the film Leonid Margolin "Women against Men: Crimean Vacation", who came out in the same year as Ainur Askarov's tape. The plot of the comedy ribbon unfolds in Yalta - one of the most beautiful cities of the peninsula. Yes, the characters spend a lot of time in the hotel, but the frames with beaches, the sea and green lawns are definitely worth not only to watch the film, but also to collect things and go to the sea.

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