What to do if the mother-in-law interferes in the parenting of the child


What to do if the mother-in-law interferes in the parenting of the child 35747_1

You are lucky with my mother-in-law, if she does not climb with the tips for raising children. But you are an unhappy person, if under the guise of help you begin to inspire your politics, teach the mind to reason and compare you with other people.

How to share the duties to raise a child

What if your mother-in-law really wants to help with the upbringing of the beloved and long-awaited grandson or granddaughter, but in fact removes you from the child and preach your truths? First of all, calm, only calm. Your baby will suffer from reigning in the family of conflicts. Your main priority should be the comfort of crumbs and its normal psychological state. Even if you do not find a common language with my mother-in-law, customize the child against the grandmother is not the best option. The kid is unlikely to understand why you talk negatively about mother-in-law and always argue with her.

Why conflicts around the child's education arise

Everyone has their own life and each in its own way sees a solution to different questions. If you leave the baby mother-in-law during study or work, she has to solve a lot of problems. Perhaps she does not want to unwind you, but in fact it turns out that you do not like the care of the baby and other points. You just need to understand your relative, explain what it does wrong with your position. If the mother-in-law is only periodically coming to the baby and gives you multiple tips about its upbringing (which you obviously do not like), you can simply listen and do the way you think.

How to tactfully tell the mother-in-law that I bring up a child in my own way?

If you want to tell the mother-in-law that you have a different vision about the upbringing of the child, you should do it as softer. Pick up the right moment, and talk like adults. Do not go to the personality so that the mother of your spouse is gone, slamming the door. Also, we should not forget that the mother-in-law somehow brought up your husband for whom you married. Perhaps not so much, it is mistaken and it should be understood what the difference in views. Perhaps it is worth taking into service indeed wise advice on raising children from mother-in-law. It may happen so that in the future you will extremely need to help your grandmother. Restore burned bridges are more difficult than to spend a calm dialogue.

What if the mother-in-law does not want to hear my words?

Starting a difficult conversation with mother-in-law, tune in to a positive and constructive dialogue. Listen to what the mother husband says. Perhaps the human understood, you can establish relationships. Well, when mother-in-law really wants to help you and puts yourself in your place. After all, it happens that young mothers would like to get at least some kind of help, but unfortunately nowhere. If you do not find a common language at all, and you can not cross the mother-in-law from life, you should trust the grandmother the minimum tasks for the upbringing of your baby or what it will not greatly affect the life of a child: feed, dress, walk with the baby in the park and so on. In conclusion, we can say that it is not worth spending time and strength on disputes, quarrels. Delegate those tasks that can safely entrust to a person. Gradually, everything will be settled and the conflicts will come to no.

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