Child care tips


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After the birth of the child, parents become very careful about everything and all that is connected with the baby, and also try to take care of it with all their might. But parents (especially "beginners", who have this firstborn) often do not know how to behave correctly.

The fact is that in relation to the newborn, extreme caution and attention is required. We present some tips on what each parent knows, who cares for the child.

1 feed correct

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Mother's milk is the only power source for the child. First, you need to make sure that the child drinks enough milk, because it is extremely important for the growth of the kid. It is necessary to give the newborn "correct" amount of milk in accordance with the recommendations of the family doctor. Secondly, you need to check the pose in which the child is feeding. After all, what a child feeds in the pose can affect his digestion. And we must not forget that the child must disappear.

2 Hold your hands clean

Child's skin, as well as his immune system, very susceptible to disease and infections. Never touch your child without changing your hands, and it should be done correctly to avoid possible contacts of microbes with a child. This is important not only for mom, but also for everyone else. It is always necessary to ask others to wash your arms before they touch the child. When a person only comes from the street, in general it is impossible to let him or she immediately (without washing hands) approach the baby, because he brings a bunch of microbes.

3 do not abuse children's goods

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Children's products are necessary for the correct care of the child. There are many products specifically designed to take care of the skin and child hygiene. But the excessive use of these products can harm the child and its skin. It is necessary to try to avoid "overdo it" using these products, as well as be careful if funds intended only for delicate skin of babies are used. If the baby begins at least any discomfort after using any of the funds, you need to immediately stop using it.

4 be well prepared

Pregnancy period - the best time to prepare for the care of the newborn. At this time, you need to read as much specialized literature as possible, as well as consult with experienced parents. This will help to cope well with unfamiliar situations and prevent errors. From the very first day of pregnancy, it is worth starting to prepare for birth and recognize how best to care for the child.

If parents face any difficulties, and the child is constantly crying, they should visit their doctor, and never give medicine to the child without consulting a doctor.

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