The strangest marriage traditions from around the world


Men and women over the centuries enter love relationships. And in almost every human society there is a marriage that makes these relationships official. At the same time, the people of the world create and honor their unique wedding traditions.

Some customs are discouraged by us, in others we see similar, and the third and at all seem wild and unreal. To at least imagine, what moments can be considered unusual, consider, for example, the wild traditions of the first marriage.

Bahuta, Rwanda tribe

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Let's start, perhaps, with one of the wildest and at the same time long preludes. In the bakhut tribe before the newlyweds begin to their immediate obligations, they must beat each other. Moreover, the wife has the right to beat a new one's husband with any items that will only get to her arm. After the fight ends the wife leaves back to the father's house. All this cycle of beatings and shoots to the father continues exactly a week. And only at the end, they finally attached to the act of love. According to the tribe, this custom allows you to throw out all your emotions to each other, after which the marriage becomes truly happy and long.

Philippines: "Wedding night? No, I did not hear "

Someone is crazy, even a painful passion, and someone after the wedding everything quietly and peacefully. As, for example, the Philippines, who forbidden the first marriage night in the understanding, in which we all imagine. The only thing that is allowed to be newlyweds is to sleep. The rest of the television will not be allowed vigilant wrame in the form of relatives and even guests. This is explained very simple and understandable even for our latitudes: to prevent accidental conception in alcohol.

Assistant from the Banyankol tribe, Uganda

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If you see your future husband for the first time and you are afraid that something will do wrong, call your aunt to the aid. Aunt Bride from the Banyankol tribe will overreach with him. As life, the well-known tell, how things are with potency and can even give him his experience. After that, the wife and husband are attached to love under clear control and prompts from the same relative.

Sauhili countries: Assistant number 2

In Kenya, Rwanda and other countries, where they communicate with Swahili, as well as in Banyankol, it does not cost any relatives under the bed. So that the newlyweds are not confused in all the subtleties of love concealment, under the richly removed bed, the oldest of his wife's relatives lies. She is all night in the role of advisor, and when the morning comes, he reports to other relatives, guys coped with this business or not.

Ethiopia: First Blood

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When the bride after the wedding goes into the bedroom, it must necessarily take a white handkerchief with him, which covers her head. Newlyweds are given to love joy. If blood appeared at the end on the scarf, the wife proved her innocence to her husband. If there is no blood, then the husband has the full right to punish his wife or abandon her at all.

China: "Your heels prefer stick or fish?"

"China does not cease to amaze." When the wedding ends and the bride is removed into the room, and the groom stays with friends, here the mysterious thing begins. Close friends are removed from the groom socks and begin ... Ask what? That's right ... beat him on heels. Well, it would be just a stick, but a fish goes into the course. In the process of spanking, the bridegroom is asked for precipitated questions and, if it is mistaken, the fish is given even greater acceleration. The Chinese believe that such a tradition gives the opportunity to be a bridegroom in the first wedding night to be on horseback. After all, "Fish on the heels" stimulates the male potency of any "Viagra" better.

Tunisia: "And you, that the candle held?"

In the villages of Tunisia, after the husband finishes the execution of his marital debt, he puts a lit candle on the window. Such a sign informs the whole community that everything went, as was planned and the fact that the bride to meet him was Clea and Nevinna.

Polynesia: "One for all and all for one"

Unlike Tunisia, where people only on the candle learns about the accomplishment of the marriage night, in Polynesia, participation is taken not in words, but in practice. Before the husband sees his wife on a love bed, all his friends should see her. The first night of the bride spends her husband with friends, ranging from the oldest man to the youngest. This tradition is associated with an ancient myth, which it is believed that the blood of a young wife is impregnated with demons. And so that she could be cleaned, the only, right way is to sleep with all the friends of her husband. Only after that, the legitimate spouse can enter the intimate with his woman. At this time, the rest of the women of the tribe loudly sing and dance around the place where the ritual is held.

In the nouper tribe login only for bald

In the Nuer tribe, in Sudan, his wife is forbidden to go to the bedroom to a new husband with her hair on his head. In order for the girl to receive the appropriate permission, she shave her head naked. And only after that, the spouses can make love for the first time.

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This is not a complete list of wild traditions of the first marriage in various cultures. And yes, let all these customs seem to be completely contrived and specific, but it is precisely such features and make us interesting. Therefore, the values ​​of the peoples of the world should respect and honor.

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