7 unexpected marriage advantages, because of which it is worth going under the crown


7 unexpected marriage advantages, because of which it is worth going under the crown 35742_1

Many, for sure, can now be surprised and ask themselves: "There is still something else in marriage that someone else is unknown." And if seriously, a person who does not believe in the concept of marriage, which has long been unfortunately married, will not be able to come up with one good reason for marriage.

Children can be started and without it, and indeed, the earth is already too overcooled and polluted, so why to bring another life to it ... But so think, of course, not all. But even those who want to marry or get married, for sure, is far from all the advantages that marriage can provide.

1. Little risk of heart attack

Although many can not really like when the partner snaps close at night, but, according to the results of a new study, the marriage reduces the risk of a heart attack. The reason may be that a person becomes happier, and he also decreases the level of stress, because you can speak with your best half, understanding that both are equally concerned about the situation. There will no longer be faced with everyday problems alone in difficult times, and there will be someone who will always support. Thus, married people are tritely healthier, as they take care of each other.

2. safer behavior

When a family appears, about which you need to take care of, knowing that there is a spouse, for which you will live, leads to the fact that a person tritely ceases to take risky actions, such as excessive use of various substances or raw driving driving. The study showed that after marriage, people are less likely to deal with something dangerous and, as a rule, avoid an unhealthy lifestyle. They prefer to be safe and happy, because there are people who rely on them.

3. Less chance to get stroke

In fact, in people who are married, the risk of stroke by as much as 64% lower. The reasons are absolutely the same as in the case of a heart attack. Nevertheless, similar numbers affect the imagination.

4. Fast rehabilitation after surgery

After surgery, a loving spouse may be the reason that a person will want to recover emotionally, and care will also help speed up recovery. If people are happy in marriage, then they are three times more chances to live at least 15 years. Readiness to live a happy life with your spouse will improve health compared to a single person.

5. Below the chance of a mental illness

Roughly speaking, it's easier to go crazy when you are alone. A number of psychiatrists have published articles and showed that married people usually do not suffer from severe depression and have a smaller probability of developing other major recognized mental disorders compared to people who have never been married or divorced. The love that people experience each other will be enough to ultimately the couple were happy.

6. Best Son.

Who does not like to hug before bedtime. Before going to the country of dream, you can find some consolation from all the troubles that have happened in the afternoon, just having hollowed by your hand with your partner. When people are happy in marriage, they have more chances to sleep well at night (even despite the entire snoring or ticking hair).

7. Long life

All these aspects guarantee that married people will have a long life, and it will be very pleasant if you love your partner and want to spend time with him. Happiness is one of the reasons why you want to live, and one of the ways you can live longer. Studies have shown that lonely people almost always die younger than their married colleagues. The presence of a partner on average and older age guarantees that there will be no premature death.

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