Why late marriages are better than early



The surrounding entered into a plot and chorus require Fatu, Mendelssohn and wedding salads, and you are not allotted with married anything. Before dressing up in the Rubish of the Old Virgin, the policemen about the fact that in Sweden and Denmark the average age for the registry office is 32 years old, and for each reproach of the benevolers there is a logical otloup.

"While you are waiting for the prince, all the men will figure out"

In the meantime, someone is given there in line for men and screams that you did not stand here, you calmly get your red diploma, stick the checkbox on the career top, you can dance on Full Moon Party and you understand that they are responsible for his happiness. And then shine against the background of the army of the aunts in the bike coats, which the princes are still uninteresting in any way. Yes, and do not esquire the Officials of royal blood in the kitchens, there are only puzzled units in slippers roam. And in front of you the whole world is open. For persuasiveness - a bit of diquelok: aged 20 to 45 years old, the number of free women and men is almost the same, and this is not Vasya Pupkin said, and the Federal Service of Social Statistics.

"All your girlfriends are already 10 years old as married"

And some even 5 years old as divorced. People who are binding into a family life in 18-20 (and even in advanced 25), it is extremely rare together to live together to the great-deserved alzheimer. Remember yourself in the first year of uni - a lot of this girl in common with you today? The ring and stamp that can be brazed in front of classmates - a unconvading remuneration for the day when you wake up and understand that your faithful to 30 evolved into the horned hoofed or giant sloth - shorter, in some reason you are not suitable for you.

"Look at yourself, no longer a girl"

In Russia, we, together with the kindergarten sewage, invest life program: at 23 - married, in 24 - the first child, in the 25th - second, and there they are to retire and mourn away the best years. In Europe and America, the situation is different. There you must first learn, find a job, ride the world, and even then, blinking 30 candles on the cake, start thinking about the family. And in 25 married only difficult teens from the workers are walked.

"Will you still pull on yourself?"

On the courtyard for 15 years as the 21st century, and some stuck heads in 19. Then the loner and the truth was not easy - the cattle is underlying, the barbecine is worked out, and here are still burning horses with horses, in short, full of cealot. And today everyone is working more or less equally, only the unmarried 30-year-old young ladies who have not leached from work due to honey months, decree and leave for wiping noses, earn noticeably more. And after the wedding, do not swear at the parents to the new sofa.

"Yes, you're already accustomed to live alone, how will you be with a guy?"

Just much better than in 20. You have already grown your brains and realized that it was only a nerves to get the nerves. If in 20 each dirty plate is accompanied by Aria "I am not serving you!", Then in 30 it calmly put on a dishwasher.

"Daughter, do not disgrace me! Marovna has two grandchildren! "

We will be honest, Marivanne, Lenka Ivanova from the third entrance and Annie from the accounting department do not care when you marry and attach seven along the beings. The most hurt pressure comes from those who will not even see these seven. Meanwhile, your family life in their rating the topics for the gossip is somewhere between new slots of leggins and the increase in compost prices.

"Waiting for the beauty to fade?"

To consider photos of the times of stormy youth painfully - black lipstick, ridiculous paths and such an outfit that you dressed in the dark to the touch. In the lists of the hottest beauties, which regularly publish magazines, extremely rarely enter women younger than 30. And right, from 30 to 40 you still have full pockets of naturalness, but already enough spirituality, so as not to paint as transvestite. And the complexes have long been kept.

"And the watch is ticking"

So the medicine in the nose does not pick up. Our 27-year-old moms in the maternity hospital were called against heartside and threatened them with all sorts of complications, and today, and on 40-year-olds no one looks at Kosos. Salma Hayek and Nicole Kidman gave birth to 40, Celine Dion and Julianna Moore - in 42. And at this age you will calmly acquire the desired heir to the throne, and not in the terrible municipal maternity hospital, and in the clinic, where doctors will call you "Madame" and blow dust.

"We are trying to"

And you choose who you will be compatible as two pieces of Lego. The first rule of any case is never agreed on the first sentence.

"All in toys are playing"

No matter how cool, the family narrows the horizons. If you did not have time to dance to the stamp, go to Argentina hitchhiking and get TOEFL, then after you have hardly every time. And it is not necessary to choose between the family and all those buns that the world can offer you. Take all.

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