How to marry a foreigner and become happy, no matter what


How to marry a foreigner and become happy, no matter what 35739_1
Many girls dream of marrying a foreigner. This idea seems to them very romantic, because the image of a foreigner draws a courteous, polite and delicate man who will wear a beloved in his arms and fall asleep with her gifts. Well, how don't you want? That's just the reality sometimes happens exactly the opposite.

The experience of women who managed to become foreign men's wives shows a real life to which you need to be ready for those who want to link their fate with a foreigner.

Foreign men exceed our compatriots at the courtship stage, and the main difference is that they are not frightened by the wedding perspective. In addition, foreigners initially seek to communicate with a woman on an equal footing, and sometimes they can even put it above themselves, but the male compatriots are usually quickly allowed to understand the lady where its place is that the word men are law. Such a comparison leads to women who managed to enjoy foreigners and "relatives" novels. But not everything is so rosy, as it may seem, although not quite sad. Having a citizen of a foreign country in her husbands involves compliance with some rules on the part of a woman, in order not to suffer from domestic violence of her husband-tyrant, do not roar into the pillow and not complain about unhappy fate.

Remember your autonomy

Learn to live in order not to get tightly to one person, what kind of golden mountains and beautiful life he would not promise - always keep cold mind. And if I want to stick to the male shoulder, it is better to do it with a man in my homeland. To merge together with a man is always bad, but if it is a compatriot, then when parting you can do the help of girlfriends, social networks and a psychologist. But abroad will need to take advantage of a powerful chainsaw, in order to cut the resulting umbilical cord with her husband. Very often a fabulous prince-foreigner, inviting to his golden castle, in reality it turns out to be a blue beard, escape from which oh how difficult.

Stay yourself and do not do yourself

How many girls are inspired by the examples of other "successful" ladies, which were incending the foreigner and now fill their profile in the Instramp teams with juicy photos from the Cote d'Azur, on expensive sports cars and in other luxury abundance, smiling at all in all 32 pearl teeth. Undoubtedly, there are those who really fall a chance to build happiness with a rich and very good man, but in the bulk it is completely wrong.

Foreigners, and especially wealthy, in exchange for their generosity will require compliance with certain standards, and love with them has a pronounced aroma of calculating. What kind of happiness dream of those who want to be a narrowed foreigner? Unlikely. But whatever show your mistake to others, you have to play happiness, showing yourself in a beautiful life to everyone. That's just, you will not kill myself and you will not deceive myself, besides, the risk of losing myself true and turn into a puppet-puppet is multiple.

Learn easy to switch

Moving to another country with a foreigner forget to forget about what laws were in the native country. It is not necessary if you say: "But here we ..." - it doesn't matter anyway. From the fact that you will lead as an example of the country of which came, the rules of life in a new place will not change. Therefore, it is necessary to find strength in yourself, to accept the new charter, new rules and live according to a new schedule. And if you are not ready for this, it is better to look after the husbands of men-compatriots.

Do not change yourself

Yes, ahead will have a new life that needs to be adjusted. But at the same time do not lose yourself, do not forget about your needs, dreams and purposes. Remember who you are who you are, that you are an independent one-piece personality and no one is able to pick it up. Always keep track of your inner state, and if something is wrong, - do the order in my head and life.

Leave your "crown" at home

Yes, yes, the crown abandoned the crown - she moves on his eyes, it falls and hurts the legs on the fingers. All this, of course, metaphors, but the fact that abroad will have to change a lot - that's for sure. When moving with you it is better to grab your own dignity, it is accurately useful. Life knows a lot of cases when High Women's posts in their own country, after moving, they were forced to work with cleaners. Having moved, I want to preserve my independence, but since it is almost impossible to find another job (diplomas, as a rule, are not quoted), you have to earn any, morally approved methods.

Look for causes of errors first in yourself

If something in life happens not so, you need to find the forces to ask yourself a question: "What and where exactly did I do wrong, what led to a similar result?". It is very important when moving to another country to have your own rod, only then you can stay yourself, continue to achieve goals and not change our principles, wherever you are.

If there is no rod - then it is worth waiting for problems, and even the long-awaited foreigner husband will not save from torment. We are like your life, so moving, you will have to roll the sleeves, take a spatula in my hands, dress a working suit and start building your destiny itself. After all, the house and that life, where he was invited - all this belongs to the ex-wife, his children, parents and general relatives.

In principle, life in another state with a foreigner may really be a fairy tale, but this fabulous life is not given just like that - you have to prove your right to the title of princess. It is only necessary to hope only for yourself and do not wait for the arrival of good faces.

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