Cinema 5 The best roles of one of the most popular actresses Hollywood Sandra Bullock


Cinema 5 The best roles of one of the most popular actresses Hollywood Sandra Bullock 35738_1

Classmates Sandra Bullock, to the senior classes, who did not want to be friends with her, could hardly think that someday this girl would have millions of fans. Her road from the first appearance on the screen to universal adorations stretched for integer seven years. During this time, the actress starred in several successful paintings, but the real glory came unexpectedly.

Annie Porter, "Speed" (1994)

When Jan de Bont offered Sandra to play in his debut militant, she had more than a dozen movie roles. However, it was still impossible to call the actress. In the film "Speed" of Bullock, the ordinary girl Annie Porter was to play, who had to get behind the handlebar of a heavy bus and lead him to full move through the streets of the city. If you lose the gas, the bomb will work under the salon terrorist.

The main role in the film was performed by Keanu Rivz, and Sandra played the Hero's girlfriend rather. But this work was a turning point for it. That year, the "speed" became a holy hiring, and Sandra Bullock is a star. The picture brought her not only a six-digit fee, the audience love and sympathies of critics, but also the Saturn Prize in the "Best Actress" nomination, as well as the whole three awards of the MTV channel.

Lucy Modez, "While you slept" (1995)

Immediately after the "speed", Sandra starred in a romantic comedy. The role of Lucy Modez in the picture "While you slept" consolidated her success and doubled the fee: for this work the actress received $ 1.2 million. Her heroine works as a cashier on the railway and secretly sighs about rich in a stranger. Soon she falls a chance to save him, but the guy falls into someone. Circumstances make up so that Lucy has to give themselves for his bride. Further events go on an increasing: the girl takes into the family, surrounded care, and she ... falls in love with the brother "Groom". For this role, Bullock was nominated for the Golden Globe and the MTV Prize, but this time it went around.

Margaret Tate, "Offer" (2009)

Sandra has repeatedly proved that it can equally well to play in some kind of genre. But because of the fun, her talent is especially brightly revealed in comedies. Another proof is the role of Margaret Tate in a funny and romantic film "Offer". Julia Roberts refused to participate in this film, considering the fee too modest, and Bullock did not score and did not lose.

The actress appears in the role of the harsh boss, in front of which the whole office trembles. Suddenly she inform about an overdue visa, and that now she will be sent home - to the village, in the wilderness, to Canada! To stay in America, Margaret decides to enter into a fictitious marriage with his assistant. Now he is the owner of the situation, and Meghera-boss in his power ...

The film brought astronomical fees in the global box and on the sale of DVD, so the producers anticipated Sikvel, but it was not there. Disney Studio decided not to remove the continuation, since such films do not make it possible to earn on the associated goods of the type of figures, games and comics.

Lee Ann Tui, "Invisible Party" (2009)

In less than six months after the release of "sentences", the premiere of the picture, brought Sandra Bullock the long-awaited "Oscar". The film "Invisible Party" tells about the real history of adoption of an illiterate adolescent a prosperous Christian family. Subsequently, the young man was able to master the school curriculum, became a good athlete and entered the university.

The actress made a maximum of effort in order to give it more accurate to pass the image of its heroine. Even before the work began, she met her prototype, and then continued to communicate with Lee Ann Tui during the shooting. She adopted all the manners of this woman, and even her appearance from the slightest details of the wardrobe to hairstyles and makeup. The efforts were brought fruit: In addition to the cherished statuette, Sandra received a number of prestigious awards for this role, including the Golden Globe.

Ryan Stone, "Gravity" (2013)

Work in this picture of critics call the best role in the career of Sandra Bullock. Almost all the action of the film occurs in space. The actress plays astronauts-researchers Ryan Stone, surviving after the shuttle catastrophe. At first, I was a commander of the ship, but soon he dies, leaving the heroine of Bullock alone in weightlessness.

Initially, this role was written for a man, but the director persuaded the producers to give it to Sandra. Actress Work in the film "Gravity" was not easy, mainly due to its claustrophobia. In addition, she had half a year to train hard to bring himself a good form. The film was presented, perhaps, in all significant contests, enriching the Bullock collection by another "Saturn" in the nomination "Best Actress".

You can talk about life and films of this wonderful actress for a very long time, but our top 5 approached the end. Let's hope that the current lull in her career is temporary, and it will also please us with interesting roles.

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