Larissa Andersen - the favorite of Vertinsky and the poetess of Russian emigration in Harbin, who has lived over 100 years


Larissa Andersen - the favorite of Vertinsky and the poetess of Russian emigration in Harbin, who has lived over 100 years 35737_1

If this woman was the heroine of the novel, his author could be reproached in too stormy fantasy. She wrote touching poems about white apple trees and angels - and danced in nightclubs; crashed by male hearts - and for many years was alone; Born in peaceful 1911, long before wars and revolutions - and died, seeing the first decade of the XXI century.

White Jablock

When in the family of Officer Nikolai Andersen, a descendant of immigrants from Denmark, a daughter was born, named by the beautiful name of Larissa, hardly someone could have come to mind that the girl was waiting for a long journey through countries and continents. But several years have passed, and the Andersen family swam the vortices of civilians. In the poem "That person" Larissa recalled about one of the dramatic episodes: she lagging behind the train, but she was saved by an unknown soldier who caught up with the touched train and handed the baby through the window in the mother's hands. In 1922, the family leaves Russia forever, going to Harbin.

Larissa Andersen - the favorite of Vertinsky and the poetess of Russian emigration in Harbin, who has lived over 100 years 35737_2

According to the memories of contemporaries, located in the north of China Harbin in the 1920-30s looked like a typical Russian provincial city. About 200 thousand BeloEmigrants lived in this "fragment of the empire, only Russian speech sounded on the streets. The center of the literary life was "Churaevka" - a poet of poeta Aachair, the association of poets and artists.

Larissa Andersen - the favorite of Vertinsky and the poetess of Russian emigration in Harbin, who has lived over 100 years 35737_3

When the 15-year-old Larissa came to the meeting "Churaevki", the participants in the literary studio were amazed by the depth of her poems, but even more - the beauty of the girl. Very rapid Larissa turned into a genuine poetic "star". Almost all "Churaevtsy" were in love with the young poetess: she worshiped her, called her white apple tree and the mountain angel, were devoted to poems. But Larissa is not happy with Larissa, she seemed to prefigge the future tragedy.

So I stand at the threshold, this time expires me, I hope to find the road to the excitement of your roads, so that I could come to the easy, disembodied shadow. Ask for forgiveness: I failed to save from evil.

In 1934, Harbin was shocked by the double suicide of the members of Churaevki, the Young Poets of the city of Granina and S. Servint. The rumors accused of the happening of Larissa, who had moved to Shanghai by that time in Shanghai by that time. The same poetess version of suicide on the soil of unfortunate love has always denied, assures that she was branched, and Sergina she was nothing more than a friend.

Queen of Shanghai Cabaret

From the children's years, Larissa was fond of dancing, not assuming that over time they would turn into the main source of income. But although the poetic talent of Larissa in Shanghai revealed with an extraordinary fullness - they celebrated all the critics after the release of her first collection "on earthly meadows", it was impossible to live on the fees. And Larissa became a dancer, speaking in numerous Shanghai clubs and cabaret.

Larissa Andersen - the favorite of Vertinsky and the poetess of Russian emigration in Harbin, who has lived over 100 years 35737_4

Noisy, rich, Multinational Shanghai did not like the calm, slightly provincial Harbin, where the main entertainment of young people were walking with a universal churin store. Night clubs overwhelmed the nagged foreigners - the French, the British and Americans, and among the musicians, singers and dancers, entertaining the public, was Alexander Vertinsky. The famous singer fell in love with Larissa at first sight, but they did not meet behind the scenes, and in the poetic evening in the Renaissance cafe.

They had so much in common: beauty and talent, the subtlety of feelings and the thirst for love, which seemed to be a novel. But Larissa Andersen remained the only woman who managed to resist the charm of Vertinsky. She could not smash or change themselves, and there were all the lines dedicated to her Alexander Nikolayevich. With difficulty, having recovered from bitter passion, Vertinsky in 1942 married L. Tirgawa, and in a year he returned to the USSR.

The wind of the spring sings on large and deserted roads ... the sun that threw the ice is so much so much! How should I say about it? How would it come about this? It is necessary that the eyes become splashes of bright light. Did people seem like that? White dress to wear? Invest a new name? And scream, clog the wind, road and field ... words of human do not have this fortune and pain!

For Andersen, emigration continued: she still danced and wrote poems. She managed to become one of the highest paid dancers, but did not have time to get used to relative willing, as the political situation changes dramatically: communists come to power in China.

Fragrance in life

One after another left the Shanghai Friends of Larissa: not passed and several years, as a few of the White Emigrants in the city remained a few units. Among them were Larissa: the Chinese authorities persistently did not give her a visa visa. Even a fictitious marriage did not help. After Larisse, Larissa managed to get a visa to Brazil - but literally on the eve of departure, it fell off with high temperatures. The diagnosis was frightening: tuberculosis.

Larissa Andersen - the favorite of Vertinsky and the poetess of Russian emigration in Harbin, who has lived over 100 years 35737_5

Thanks to antibiotics with the disease managed to deal at the very beginning, but, while Larissa was treated, the term of the Brazilian visa was over. And then Andersen, on his own admission, waved his hand: Be what happens! Forgetting about your problems, it saves from a severe illness of a small sirot of Kolya. And, as if as a reward, fate sends it to her that she was waiting for so long - genuine love and family.

Larissa Andersen - the favorite of Vertinsky and the poetess of Russian emigration in Harbin, who has lived over 100 years 35737_6

In this old house, the floors creak so much ... In this old house, so dark corners ... so rustle and whispering silence at night ... In this old house I live alone.

In 1956, Larissa marries the Frenchman M. Sheza and finally leaves China. The cozy served in the maritime company, and there were ahead of the long wanderings on the places of his work from India to Tahiti. Only in 1971, the family was ass in France. There, in a small town of Ossenzho, Larissa lived until his death in 2012, having time to get another long-awaited gift from destiny: edition in Russia of her books "one on the bridge."

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