6 reasons why a man kisses a woman in the forehead


6 reasons why a man kisses a woman in the forehead 35733_1

It will not be news for anyone that partners, in the soul of which romantic feelings flashes often kiss. From a light touch of her lips to the cheek to a super-art french kiss ... But some women do not understand how to perceive when the beloved kisses them in the forehead.

"A kiss in the forehead demonstrates strong emotional intimacy," says Laurel Steinberg, doctor of philosophy, clinical sexologist and psychotherapist. This is not a greeting or unrealized erotic attraction, rather this is a non-darling gesture that transmits something deeper.

Let us give six reasons why a man can kiss the forehead.

1. A couple have a very close connection

Kiss in the forehead from a romantic partner talks about something completely different than what is chipped into the ear in the bedroom. "While a kiss on the lip points to a sexual attraction, a kiss in the forehead means the emotional intimacy of the relationship," explains Steinberg.

That is why parents or grandparents kiss the forehead - this gesture is a manifestation of emotional love.

2. Partner wants to kiss the soul

In fact, there is quite real argumentation from a biological point of view of why kisses in the forehead cause heat inside. The warmth and pressure of someone's lips on the forehead stimulates a prycoidal gland that highlights chemicals that cause joy and mental lifting. This gesture partner in essence kisses the thought of beloved, the ideas that she shared, and her as a person, and not just a physical body.

3. Woman not just sexy object

It doesn't matter, this is a friend who has not seen from kindergarten, or a new passion - if a man kisses a girl in his forehead, you can be sure that he at the same time he thinks about her (even the most gorgeous) body. "A kiss in the forehead indicates that the woman is considered not just a sex object," says Steinberg. This is a compassionate, and not a sexy way for a partner to express adoration and respect for his woman.

4. Partner also wants to feel love

"Partners often simulate a good behavior they want to get," explains Steinberg. Roughly speaking, if a man gently kisses a woman in his forehead, it hopes that she will also answer love.

5. Sexual attraction is absent

If the partner kisses only in the forehead, it may mean that sexual interest in the relationship goes to the decline. However, it is much more connected with what is happening between both. If the girl is not sure what is happening in her relationship, it is worth trying to substitute his lips under the kiss and see what will happen next.

If the partner is removed or it seems indecisive, it's time to talk about what happened. And if after this will follow a farewell kiss in the forehead from the interlocutor, it may mean that he / she spent the time perfectly, but does not want more from relationships.

6. Partner "Celebrates Victory", believing that he was lucky to find such a woman

When you find a partner with identical feelings, it is really a real achievement, after which a sense of victory may appear.

Perhaps that is why photos and memes with kisses in the forehead have become quite popular in Instagram. "To ensure that someone considers you and your attitude is very valuable for yourself, is a great achievement, and people are proud to show that they can show," says Stainberg.

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