A letter of a dying father with his little daughter


Tom Ettaoter in September 2012 found out that he has a non-metering brain tumor. It happened exactly when his daughter Kelly struggled with neuroblastoma. The girl is most likely cured, but the dad will not be soon. Tom wrote a baby an open letter to tell her all that he could not say in the following years and decades. This, apparently, the most sober and touching letter, which his father wrote ever daughter.

Dear Kelly, I'm sorry that I can not watch how you grow, I would like this. Most fathers and daughters have decades to conversations outside the kitchen table, with cups of coffee in her hands - father gives advice, daughter rolls his eyes. We have no time. I can not lead you to the first class, pick you up from the first date, hug you when you have a heart to hurt, worry about you in the final exam. But so far your old man is near. And I thought that I could give you some tips. I hope you will help you a little. And I hope that your cancer will not return and that your life will be long, rich and happy.


All will tell you how important it is good to learn. I hope you will always work hard. I studied well, but did it really help me in life? Not really. The school is really important, but try and have fun.


Now you do not see a special difference between boys and girls, you are friends with all in a row. But it will soon change. You will find that the boys smell foolishly and generally nasty. But then, already in high school, you will understand that they can be pretty miles. When you grow up - I hope it is not very soon - you will have boyfriends. And I can not seriously talk to them about the manners and intentions, as the father relies. So here is your father's council. It is very difficult to describe what it is - fall in love. But you saw how you laugh at your mom, hugging, sitting on the sofa, and this is exactly what remains when the flowers are started and paper hearts are lost somewhere. Just try to repeat it. Always choose gentlemen boys, with good manners, with respect. Imagine how they drink tea in our kitchen and lead a polite conversation with us. If you think that the guy succeeds - you found a decent young man. Alas, someday your heart breaks. It is incredibly painful, and it will seem to you that this is the end of the world. But you will survive it, everyone is worried. And even when romance will end, be good. Boys also have feelings. And in the end, if you have a friend of a boy who will be with you in all the most difficult times, when the boyfriends will come and leave, you take care of him and do not take His friendship.


I dreamed, as I will lead you to the altar and imagined how my eyes will be filled with tears when I give you my husband. I can not do this, Kelly, forgive me. But I will look at you on this day, happy and proud that you have found yourself a wonderful couple.


I know that you will sometimes swear with your mother, especially when you enter into adolescent age. You just remember that she loves you and wishes you good. Right mom, when it is sad, help each other to survive terrible times that come when I leave. When you become a teenager, you will think that your friends are right, and mom is not. But she tried to make difficult solutions for you both, and in her soul she always have your interests - to a greater extent than the best of your friend. Go with her good.

A family

There is nothing important family and the values ​​that she reports us. Nothing at all.


Treat people as they treat you. Be always a mile with people who help you. There is nothing terrible than mocking weak.

Christmas and birthdays

For the first Christmas without me, I want you to get a candle with my mother and thought about me a few minutes. It will be great if you dance together. You will jump and shake Pops, as if I am near and fall from the laughter. It certainly will make me smile. And it will be good, if you visit my parents the day after Christmas, they will also be hard. I left gifts for all your birthdays. It is a pity that I will not be near me when you open them. I hope you like it. Difficult to imagine you at 10, 15 or 20 years. I hope you will still love One Direction and dance around the room under their music.


I remember you told me what you want to become a princesses-astronaut and open up new planets in beautiful dresses. Now you, apparently, already understand that it is impossible. But, nevertheless, many things are really possible. Do what brings you joy. If you do a favorite thing, life will suddenly prove much, much more pleasant. You may have to change several professions before choosing a vocation. Let it be. Life is alone, and the chance in it is also alone.


Do not forget the magic words - "Please!" and thanks!" We are now with my mother who drive it into you, because it is truly important and helps in life. Always be polite, especially with the elders. Not early people in words. Do not forget to write thank letters when you get gifts. And yes, jokes about poop are good, only when you are five years old.


Usually, the fathers teach to drive daughters, and usually they scary in the process. We will not succeed like that, but you will try to learn how to led as early as possible - this opens the world in front of you. Yes, and let you not take care of you (I'm sorry, honey, it's I'm kidding).


This is a cliché, of course, that travel is expanding the horizons, but this is true. Try to see as much as possible. Travel. But not on a motorcycle, it is too dangerous.

Be happy

You never laugh at fifty percent, always at a hundred. I hope that you will always laugh as caution. It makes no sense to try not to be sad when I leave. I know that it will be hard. And I would like to be close to hug you and calm you. But remember the bear we bought in a charitable store? You said you would take care and hug him when I won't. This is a great idea.

Sulfur for charity

Please let me money for charity. People were incredibly kind to us. You will probably always remember our trip to Disneyland. And I will never forget how many people donated money for your treatment. The elderly sent postcards and decimestrian bills that they would come in handy themselves. People fled marathons and shared heads for us. We collected huge amounts. And all this for you. It is very important to pay bills. And good deeds weigh the soul.

Be stubble

Always try. Throw is for losers. And give up - too. I suffered a few failures in my life, but I never gave up. And you never give up, Kelly.

Believe in yourself

Many will tell you that you can't or that. Deciding by itself. You can? Do you want? Hard things are always big risks, so you will have to choose with the mind. If you want something - it's almost always possible, so try. I think you can achieve a lot. And in the end ... Thank you for being, Kelly. Thanks for the most important compliment in my life - for what you call me dad. You are my daughter, and this is the greatest honor for me. Thank you - because it was you who taught me happiness and love more than any other person in the world. Enjoy your life. Do not rush. I'll wait. I love you, my princess, and your mother. Dad.

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