What happens if the Internet is disconnected right tomorrow. And forever!


The Security Council and other bosses still discusses the possibility of cutting off the Russian Internet from the Internet of foreign. We suggest going further and prohibit the Internet at all.

With the prohibition of the Internet, our life will be better, cleaner, nice and more pleasant, and the birth rate will surely go up!

Letters would be paper and walked weeks

What happens if the Internet is disconnected right tomorrow. And forever! 35724_1

And it is very good: good news does not "knock", but bad will come later or get lost. Again: Now if the customer is dissatisfied with something, he writes Mail: "Where is the square triangles from the eighteenth march"? And in the warm analog future, he will have to write a paper letter that will go through Moscow to go four days. In response, he will receive a clarifying letter: "Do you have a blue or red square triangles?", And it will go four more days, and so on, and you can not work at all. About "checking mail" every 10 minutes can be forgotten. What's the point? Everyone and so know the schedule of the postman.

Sites dating disappear

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To get acquainted with the girl, it will have to first find: in the bar, at work, in the conservatory, on the ground, on the water, in the air. The most difficult to serge donzhuanam, which, with the advent of dating sites, automated their processes. Nevertheless, others will be strong to hold on to the partner, because if it is parted, you will have to go through this brand with cauting the women in muddy water.

No phones at lunch

What happens if the Internet is disconnected right tomorrow. And forever! 35724_3

During lunch, you will have to look at the partner and talk to him - well, at least in the cafe. At home, it is possible to avoid contact of views with the TV. But in the cafe - no, there will not be able to hide in the iPhone.

Social networks will not be

What happens if the Internet is disconnected right tomorrow. And forever! 35724_4

And it is wonderful! The former will not tell in them about what freak you are, the future will not post our semi-corpus photographs there, the wife will not rinse the details of your family scandals in people, the husband will not post an old-minded picture "Why the beer is better than women" and the stupidity of everyone will be at least a bit hidden.

Looks around a lot of workers hands

What happens if the Internet is disconnected right tomorrow. And forever! 35724_5

SMM specialists, Internet marketers, Didital start-up, retired goats Copywriters - all of them without the Internet will join the forest, dig channels and engage in other socially useful and productive labor in the fresh air.

Working and personal time will be clearly divided

What happens if the Internet is disconnected right tomorrow. And forever! 35724_6

Never there will never be such that you walk in the woods, and you fly from Magadan an urgent working task. And you get the tablet that you always have with you just for such cases, sitting on the anthill and want to hang. Not. From morning to lunch - to strict, from lunch and to the evening - to cut, the rest of the time is free.

Hiking to the library

What happens if the Internet is disconnected right tomorrow. And forever! 35724_7

To find out something, you will have to read an article in the encyclopedia - well, in such a very thick book that stands on the bookshelf. And perhaps the article is not enough, and you have to read the book. Maybe even not alone. You may have to get an integer education in order to find out anything. Sign in advance in the library, reader tickets may be in shortage.

You will talk about something

What happens if the Internet is disconnected right tomorrow. And forever! 35724_8

Not that now, when you meet with a friend, you begin to tell him something, and he says: Yes, you already wrote on it.

No torrents

What happens if the Internet is disconnected right tomorrow. And forever! 35724_9

Films - in the movies. Music - on disks. Books - on paper. Look, do not confuse. And yes, you will have to walk in the bookstore. Or to music. And rummage in collapse. And talk to the seller. Ask him questions and receive answers

What happens if the Internet is disconnected right tomorrow. And forever! 35724_10

No need to post photos on the Internet. To show someone a fotchka, you will have to personally meet him. Or print it and send it in the envelope. No one will shoot Porelph more (because negatives will have to be handed over in the photographer and there it will be displayed and typing gloomy young people). And the photos themselves will be much smaller - the films are worthwhile, printing, too, so we will photograph only the most important thing: view of the Kremlin and cats.

More communication

What happens if the Internet is disconnected right tomorrow. And forever! 35724_11

In general, we will have to communicate much more often with people or by phone. Order tickets, pay utility services, book hotels. Buying sneakers will also have personally. And this means that you will have to learn the words and expressions "Hello", "Thank you", "you didn't stand here", "you are a lot, and I am alone" and "give a plaintory book."

More productive work

What happens if the Internet is disconnected right tomorrow. And forever! 35724_12

At work will have to work, and not sit in social networks and not read all stupid lists. As a last resort, if you don't want to work at all, you can knit on the needles. And this is also publicly useful and productive work.

Source photo: shorpy.com

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