Are you crab?


The British expression "bucket crabs" describes a curious phenomenon. The lonely crab in the bucket is easily selected on the will. But if a few crabs fall into the trap, then we see the amazing power of the team in the case.

All sorts of ridding up, sorrodi drag back. And everyone knows that he will not be satisfied, so he does not allow others. Such behavior of crabs is very beneficial for catcher - the catch itself sends itself and can't spread. But people, it turns out, is not far away ... gone. Many of us are dominated by the collective unconscious and hold others from what they consider errors.

Here are the main manifestations of the crab consciousness:

1. Why do you need a passport, we have so many beautiful places - in all my life you can not go around. So most often the crab says, who leaves the apartment once a year. Usually he rides a village to relatives. Sea? There are jellyfish, sharks and seem to be a gorilla. And in the country - the air is fresh.

2. Clean the addition? Crazy went crazy - you will be fired before you finish the proposal. The crab is not worried about the fact that the colleague will devour. He is experiencing that his crab, the salary will remain the same.

3. He head hurts? You promised to tie ... oh, okay, take beers to ohochel and buy me kefir. The crab favorably maintain the desired level of alcohol in the blood of a neighbor to cultivate the feeling of guilt and manipulate them. "Beer" and "kefir", in this case, metaphor. Crab enhances the problems of Visavi, pretending to help him. And enjoyed gratitude to might and main. Correction cynicism. Complete and nearby, by the way.

4. You need more / smaller there are these soft French bulls. And here is not. Crab is not worried about your health and appearance. Crab wants you to look like him.

5. Instead of resting like a person, you go to the rocking chair (in the theater, on ballroom dancing, you need to emphasize) and get tired even more. Crab is afraid that one day you will become stronger than him so much that he will not be able to keep you in the bucket.

6 Are you still talking? It is time to think about the soul. Crab sincerely believes that joy is for young (thin rich). He is unpleasant that someone allows himself that he has forbidden himself for a long time.

7. Do not lead to your opinion. Crab believes that the team / authorities / power always know better.

8. If you were born in another century Crab hints that irresistible obstacles between you and success. Sometimes it is distances, nationality, lack of connections.

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