10 books that tried to ban


Write a good book - and you, maybe, you will publish it. Write any book that to ban, and you will get millions. Millions of copies, fans and drugs.

The beauty and the Beast. Marsel Yakub

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The former mistress of Strauss-Kahn did not hide that the hero of her books "half a man, half a pig," he "Poet of Mud", he is the "king of pigs" - the scandalous ex-president of the IMF Dominic Strauss-Kan. And, despite the absence of his name in the book, a large "portrait" similarity gave the string-kan the opportunity to sue the author and the publisher at the stage of preparing the novel. What did this repeatedly short-sided politician required? Prohibit the book and a little money. He received a little money (about a quarter of the requested), but I could not achieve a ban on the publication. But his former Passasya received excellent compensation - a grand interest in his book before her release. Perfect PR campaign.

Spy catcher. Peter Wright

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Ex-assistant Director of the British Security Service M5 Peter Wright Back in 1985 gathered to publish memoirs. Colleagues did not like the book. Perhaps they did not suit the syllable of the author, or it seemed impolite aspiration of Wright to convey publicity entertaining spy stories about the tissue and political killings. The British government did not allow the publication of the book in England, but with its rude television drives attracted so much attention to the author that Australia and Scotland gladly provided their printing machines and continue to stamp the "Spy Catcher" to this day. It hurts good advertising made the British special services book.

Wild Swans. Yun Zhang.

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Forbidden in China, the book of memoirs since 1991 collected in the world more than 13 million readers. It is still not published in their homeland because they call the criticism of the Board of the Chairman of Mao, although the book describes only the truth about the daily lives of three generations of Chinese women.

Harry Potter. Joanne Rowling

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By the time of the first attempts to ban and not bother "Witchcraft and propaganda of the occultism" on the shelves of school libraries, the rowling book was no longer needed. The author, capable of selling 450 million copies, in principle does not need cheap tricks. But, you see, when opposing obsolete books of child friendship and persistence are a magnificent illustration of obscurantism. Or recursion. And the circulation is still growing.

Ulysses. James Joyce

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"Radical and obscene novel" in 1922 by tradition shelted indulgence to the sexual sages France. In England and the United States, he was forbidden for a long time, and then, most likely, one of the American judges, who had been banned, tried to read Ulysses, did not master, but he understood a lot and allowed to print a work. Since then, the situation has not changed radically. Everyone knows that this is a great modernist novel, but try to find the one who is: a) read; b) read; c) I realized why he did it.

The Da Vinci Code. Dan Brown

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This author successfully opened the Catholic Church, which did not like the idea that Christ was married to Mary Magdaline and besides the upbringing of adult Jewish LBov had a personal pedagogical project - the daughter of Sarah. For this Brown painted, as a new Messiah. Given that the morals for 2 thousand years have softened, the "crucifix" went to the author only to benefit. Although in 2008 the church still banned the shooting of "Angels and Demons" to the film "Code of Da Vinci". The Vatican spokesman explained this as follows: "Usually we read the script, but in this case there was no need. Named after Dan Brown was pretty. "

Lady Lady Chatterley. David G. Lawrence

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As soon as the novel was published in 1928, as him immediately seized and destroyed. Only 30 years later, after the trial, the Lady Chatterley Lover was restored in books rights and published. The scandal, who accompanied the trial, led to the fact that on the very first day 200,000 copies were sold. The novel was repeatedly fascinated and, moreover, a trial itself was awarded to the screens in 2006 under the name "Chatterley".

Lolita. Vladimir Nabokov

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Until 1959, the novel was banned in the UK. It was not better accepted in Belgium, Argentina and in usually liberal France. It is quite difficult to reason about the advantages of the book, pedaling the topic of pedophilia and the erosion boundaries of the norm, but stable interest does not weaken without a small 60 years.

Madame Bovarie. Gustave Flaubert

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After the publication of the novel in the literary magazine, the author and two publishers immediately appeared before the court. In general, it is not surprising - it was 1856, and people have a little shy of a public conversation about lovers, although neither the droplets were shy to have them. Flaubrau was lucky - he was justified, the novel immediately printed a separate book, and the author got his legitimate laurels.

Diary Anna Frank. Anna Frank

10 books that tried to ban 35719_10

The diary of the girl who was hidden from the Nazis, and then it was still in the concentration camp, where she died, is a terrible documentary prose, which is necessary to read as an advent of fascism. The book is translated into 60 languages ​​and purchased by the 30 million people around the world. Besides Lebanon. In Lebanon, Anna Frank Diary is banned for a positive image of the Jews.

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