10 reasons to fall in love with Georgia


The sun, mountains, food, wine and fantastically welcome people - in the country of St. George, everything is fine, especially after the roads have been repaired and torn the traffic cops. Ancient monasteries, doping cities, warm Black Sea - not long ago to take a ticket.


10 reasons to fall in love with Georgia 35718_1

Of course, in Georgia it is best to go to someone to visit. In this case, the journey will turn into an endless trip of travel, peaks, boys and overeating, you will be surrounded by care and love, perhaps a little even excessive, but still very pleasant. If you have no kind friends in Georgia, it is not difficult: you can accidentally get to know someone on the street or in the bar, and all wrap ...


10 reasons to fall in love with Georgia 35718_2

"Be sure to get to the Georgian feast. However, even if you want to avoid it, you are unlikely to succeed. Everything will be like a movie. A huge table will break from meat, bread, vegetables and wine. Tamada will manage the process (and in no case cannot be interrupted and generally need to obey, but will be punished). Toasts will follow one after another. I will need to take your hands and eat with pleasure, drinking by local Georgian wine. And then the songs will begin.


10 reasons to fall in love with Georgia 35718_3

Georgia is one of the oldest wine-making powers, Georgian scientists believe that winemaking appeared here. Antiquity is not always good, manufacturability is more valued in world markets. The situation changes every month - new interesting manufacturers appear, new winemakers, and all this must be trying. In general, with the Georgian winery, you need to carefully understand. It is a grave daily work, you will have to drink no less bottle per day per person, preferably with the help of local residents who will help you enter the case.


10 reasons to fall in love with Georgia 35718_4

Georgians - very musical people. It is true that they remember the folk songs and sing them with each convenient case. And it may be so that professional musicians will sit at the table, but some pahares, plumbers and businessmen will sing the same way. Enjoy. And if you get tired Folk - go through clubs, in Georgia your own amazing jazz school. The Moscow Favorite Nino Katamadze is just the vertex of iceberg.

Military Georgian Road

10 reasons to fall in love with Georgia 35718_5

Singing poets and writers from Lermontov to Ilf with Petrov, the Military Georgian road was built in the 18th and 19th centuries on the site of ancient trading trail to quickly transfer troops in the event of war with Turkey and Persia. It is here that you have to go if you decide to get into Georgia by car. But even if not - you can take advantage of the rental, bus, or a driver with a driver. You will see Mount Kazbek, watchtowers, Annauri Castle, and a bunch of other beautiful places. It's like Via Appia, the Great Path, Volga or Route 66 - one of several roads on Earth, for which everyone must pass or drive before dirty.


10 reasons to fall in love with Georgia 35718_6

The ancient capital of Georgia is just near the military-Georgian road. It is there that the main Georgian shrine - Svetitskhoveli, a cathedral, built in the early 11th century and preserved to the present day. It is simultaneously similar to Byzantine Basilica and Gothic Temples, but at the same time absolutely original.


10 reasons to fall in love with Georgia 35718_7

The cave city of temples and monasteries, built during the times of Queen Tamara and her father, Tsar George III, at the end of the 12th and early 13th century. The complex was badly damaged by an earthquake, destroyed by the Persians and Turks, but there are also monks now and pray, tourists come, lead excursions. 13 levels of caves, residential premises, chapel rooms, frescoes and fantastic species.


10 reasons to fall in love with Georgia 35718_8

A small area in the north-east of Georgia, in the far corner of Kakheti. It is truly a deaf place: you can get there only on the jeep, not in every village there is electricity and most of the inhabitants are there only in the summer, it is moving around in the winter to more civilized places. In any house you will be fed, we will see and show how the ancestors of one hundred, two hundred or thousand years ago - that is, yes, just as now.


10 reasons to fall in love with Georgia 35718_9

The cave complex, populated with prehistoric, one of the most important attractions of the country. Giant Labyrinth Caves, streets cut down in a rock, preserved altars of the gods of the underground world, Christian temples - here you can easily spend a whole week.

David Garezhzhi

10 reasons to fall in love with Georgia 35718_10

The locality on the border of Georgia and Azerbaijan, the giant complex of churches and monasteries in the mountains. He is part of him in the Azerbaijani side, but the border can not cross - on the Georgian side there are quite enough ancient temples, towns and caves. Excursions usually come for a day, but there, too, it is possible to live a week, exploring all this beauty in layers.

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