Scientists invented the "refrigerator" for a test, which will help a man to become a father


Scientists invented the

Reviews of the whole world had a curious news from the category of "inventions of insane scientists" - "cooling covers for eggs" were invented. And everything in order to increase male fertility.

As you know, for the optimal production of spermatozoa, the testicles should be on one or two degrees colder than the body temperature of a man. But the ordinaryness is such that close clothes, taking hot baths, visiting the sauna and the habit of putting a laptop on your knees can "overlook them, which is extremely negatively affecting the quality of sperm.

Scientists invented the

According to manufacturers, Coolmen gadget is attached to the belt, and it needs to be 12-16 hours a day for about a month to increase the amount of sperm in men. It costs COOLMEN about 240 pounds sterling (304 dollars) and connects to the owner's smartphone to ensure temperature monitoring in real time. Currently, the device is undergoing medical testing.

COOLMEN is a lightweight, flexible device that is worn on the testicles to cool them and increase the production of sperm, improving the chances of a man to conceive a child

According to Business Insider, the Polish company Cooltec invented a device that places the testicles in the chilled "bag" to help people get pregnant.

Recent studies show that the amount of spermatozoa around the world sharply falls - it is believed that men living in Western countries today are almost 60 percent less than 40 years ago. The main cause of a declining fertility coefficient is an unhealthy modern lifestyle, which includes smoking, improper nutrition, obesity, the effects of plastic on the human body and lack of activity.

"Violations in the production of sperm are most often associated with an increased temperature of the testicles," Cooltec states on its website. - Overhaul, high temperature leads to the death of the cells from which spermatozoa is formed, and to further stages of the spermatogenesis process. Because of this, the quality of sperm in superheated testicles is reduced. "

The company claims that up to 50 percent of cases of infertility among steam are associated with low sperm quality, and the cooling of the testicles can increase the amount of spermatozoa in a few weeks. The developers also say that the device can treat varicocele, varicose veins inside the scrotum, which can lead to infertility. Poles say that their thing should be worn from 12 to 16 hours a day for three to four weeks until it cools the testicles and collects data on temperature over time. These data can be used by doctors to find possible causes of difficulties with the conception of a child and specify other suitable methods for treating infertility.

How does Coolmen work

The Coolmen device works by controlling the temperature of the testicles using the sensor in the bag that holds them. It supports a temperature of one or two degrees below the body temperature, which is usually 36 to 37 ° C. Electrical devices are used to control the temperature in the elastic gadget, and it is charged using a conventional USB cable. The device transmits information about the temperature of the testicles and movement into the application for the smartphone. This information can then be transferred to the doctor to consider the possible treatment of infertility. It is especially worth noting that the Coolmen gadget is designed to wear under clothing (i.e., "people" will not be inconvenient) and made of light, flexible materials to avoid injury.

Scientists invented the

The testicles are placed in the chilled "bag", which, according to the developers, should be worn 12-16 hours a day for three to four weeks to see the improvement in the amount of spermatozoa

It is believed that the normal amount of spermatozoa is at least 20 million spermatozoa per milliliter of sperm, while with an amount of less than 15 million, a man can qualify for infertility treatment.

The study conducted by Associates Reproductive Medicine Associates from New Jersey in October showed that the number of men in the USA and Spain with a normal amount of spermatozoa is steadily reduced. In 2002, the number of men with more than 15 million spermatozoa for 1 ml was 85 percent, and now they are already 79 percent.

Scientists invented the

According to research published in July 2018, fruitless men are more likely to face prostate cancer with early beginnings. Those who cannot have children naturally or with the help of extracorporeal fertilization, as a whole, 47 percent are more prone to the development of a life-threatening state. And in men under 50 years of age, the risk is three times higher.

According to researchers, not diagnosed prostate gland tumors can lead to infertility, while a low level of testosterone can lead to the development of both states. Prostate cancer with early beginnings amazes about one of every 1000 fathers under the age of 50 years. About 35 percent of men have bad fertility, and two percent cannot become the fathers of children.

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