The most common problems with nails and effective ways to solve them


The most common problems with nails and effective ways to solve them 35710_1

Life is not fair. Some can twisted the nails to unscrew and cut the steel sheets, and others are afraid of them once again take a look - suddenly break. We tell how to defeat all the nail strikes and grow out such nails that will disappear any screwdriver.

Problem number 1. Based and break

Decision: Nail is somewhat tightly glued with each other keratin plates. From the cold, water and all the chemistry of the gluing flashes and the nails are loose. Close a couple of rubber gloves of optimistic colors and put them on during all domestic work related to water and tie detergents. There is also a habit of habit what contains linoleic acid, its lack makes nails fragile. Most of all this acid in vegetable oils. Oils can be taken and externally, that is, smear them nails and cuticle, it will keep moisture and strengthen the nail.

Do not strive nails with scissors, do not use metal and coarse coarse-grained peelings, they finally strike your nails. They drank them with a glass pail, and apologize to her not there and here, but in one direction. And do not stop painting your nails, the coating is not bad protection, especially if it contains protein.

But the first thing you need to do is visit the doctor. Brush nails and dry hair - one of the symptoms of problems with the thyroid.

Problem number 2. They are uneven

Decision: Bugorki, grooves and dents on the nail may be the result of the fact that you once climbed his door. You hardly forgot about it. But if the furrows decorate all the nails, and you can't remember a single episode with the door, then the problem is most likely in the lack of group vitamins B, a, sulfur, iron and zinc. Especially often such trouble pursues vegetarians - a vegetable diet is poor Zinc and vitamin A. A couple of cans with vitamin complexes - and everything will be done. And until then use leveling bases, they disguise the defect. If you drink vitamins with vitamins, and the nails do not come to ourselves, sign up for the reception to the gastroenterologist - perhaps you have problems with digestion, and vitamins do not absorb.

Transverse embossed grooves indicate some serious illness or stress - during this period, the nail slowed down, and then resumed it, so the groove appeared. This disgrace on the medical fene is called "Boor Cost". The combination of transverse grooves and tubercles are a sign of arthritis, and furrows complete with solidification and a change in color - fungus. In any case, marching into the clinic.

Problem number 3. do not grow

Decision: To begin with, we will define what it means "do not grow." Normal growth rate is 1-3 mm per week, that is, from 4 to 12 mm per month. At the same time in the summer, the nails grow faster, and in winter - slower (not surprisingly, everything is stupid in winter). If the whole life of the nails fit into this schedule, and recently for some reason completely stopped growing, appointment of the endocrinologist: this may be a sign of hormonal imbalance. To speed up the growth of nails, you need to make a massage of the cuticle to make the nail to receive more blood, oxygen and all kinds of goodness. Massage is better done with butter enriched with vitamins A and C. Laying on protein foods and products rich in iodine - for example, on sea cabbage. Radical way - to make yourself the heir. First, pregnant nails often (but not always) grow faster. Secondly, novice mothers have no time to bother about manicure.

Problem number 4. yellowness

Decision: We argue, did you get a luxurious bright varnish and make it right on the nail, manking the application? Most often, yellowness is the result of such irresponsibility. Another reason is smoking, nicotine perfectly lipates to the nails. The solution is simple, as a stool - quit smoking and for some time to abandon colored varnishes, and a couple of times a week rub nails with lemon juice. If yellowness is not connected with neither cigarettes, neither with varnish, then oh: yellow nails are a symptom of a whole bouquet of diseases, from diabetes and problems with kidneys and liver to lack of iron, psoriasis and fungal lesion.

Problem number 5. White spots

Decision: White specks are almost always the result of some minor injury. And you can not notice it yourself. Sufficiently cross the finger closer to the bottom of the nail and damage the site where new nail cells are formed. You are not particularly painful, but the gentle young nail will respond. The speech will manifest only month after a half or two after the incident - it is not surprising that it will be a surprise for you. White stains also sign about zinc lack - this trouble is solved by a fish diet, black chocolate once a couple of days and sesame oil in a salad.

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