10 facts that confirm that it is too early to acquire children


10 facts that confirm that it is too early to acquire children 35703_1

As soon as a woman reaches a certain age or get married, the society considers his duty to make her a hole in his head "Well, and when will you give birth to a baby?" We have collected 10 signs that it becomes early. You can find a couple - boldly send society away!

You read sorting articles from the category "What a young mother with the birth of a child is deprived of

And you do not find the strength to imagine something in opposition to all these horrors. You feel sorry for all: your body, free time, alcohol, parties, travel, spontaneity and all that you can do without thinking that you are responsible for someone else, little and defenseless.

How is it to share the last candy out of the box? And if the daughter is growing and go to measure (and break!) Your favorite shoes? And if the Son grow up and goes to some other woman?! Well, no, you have not subscribed to it!

You are alone

Agree - in order to give birth to a child, a man is not particularly needed. And in general, it is believed that it is better to give birth to himself, because it will not be anything to your child. Of course there will be no. But initially the baby is a story about the continuation of the kind of you and your man. About love that requires an additional application point. In addition, a woman during pregnancy and the first years of the baby's life is pretty vulnerable. Of course, you can cope with everything (you do not burn here? Horses will not jump?), But it is better that there was a person who, in the case of which it helps or even divide the duties with you.

You are persuading relatives

The leading, in their opinion, the indisputable arguments like "You do not understand what real love is and real happiness!", "You live in vain life!", "And who will give you a glass of water in old age?!" etc. You sluggishly resist and think already to give birth to behind. As practice shows, such a wish dozen merge behind the horizon line exactly after the birth of the baby, so if these conversations annoy you, get the paddle and bey all sympathetic on your head. You do not have to endure tactlessness regarding your only and unique life. You, in the end, a living person, and not talking incubator.

You have less than 18.


Of course, here in Russia are all advanced - the age of sexual consent from us from 16 years old - but, to be honest, 18 years old is so cool and fun, that it is a pity to spend this spaced time on diapers, sprawers and poop. You are full of strength and energy, you can roll Everest of one left and generally gonna go to Antarctica to help penguins. Of course, there are girls who already in 14 formulated a clear plan, including her husband, children and a bulldog puppy in the period up to 21, but it is better to think very well. There is such a thing: children are forever.

Children are Lyalki

You are sure and you know exactly what your child will appear on the light, everyone around will immediately make themselves, scatter around you confetti and clutch champagne! You take it on your hands, he will smile! And you will go on a joint bright future, where you will cut the dysperious pictures in instagram, write sweet posts about how happy you are, and the child will smile in the whole mouth and depict an angel! Dorusha, learn Matchast. First, pregnancy and childbirth is a colossal stress for the body (and childbirth is blood, intestine, the racise * Rasilo, etc.) Secondly, in the first months of his life, the child eats, sleeps, pokes and yells. Everything. Thirdly, you do not get enough sleep. There are still fourthly, fifth, sixth and hundredths, so I will throw out the idyllic pictures on the head of the head from the head, and, by Christ, they spend you, forget the unceasing word "Lyalka". Our inner Estete in agony beats his head against the wall.

You build a career

Combining a career and children is difficult, but you can. But both cases require emergency concentration, collens and victims. So do not seem on emotional blackmail like "Biological clock tick, and you about some career!" - Only you have the right to decide what is important for you. And medicine, by the way, is also not worth it. For example, the famous photographer Annie Leibovitz gave birth to the first child at 50, and feels like a professional, and feels perfectly fine.

You don't want children yet

You just do not want. Or you want, but not now. And you have full right to it!

You are not ready for change


Moreover, to change both external and internal. You are not ready to become more vulnerable and dependent, you come to horror when you think about what you can make mistakes, you are afraid of becoming "like a mother" (if you had a relationship with her). Or maybe you are now worried about the romantic period that you dreamed of all my life, and there is no desire to let the child in this reality, which, if neither twist, all my life puts down on the head and in general as an earthquake in 10 Balls on the Richter scale. Stability is beautiful, including because sooner or later it will be bored and then you can think about changes.

You are afraid

According to the degree of a variety of mythical fears, potential mothers will give odds to those who have been still writing with an open door in 40 years, because scary. The main fear, of course, concerns whether a woman can be a good mother or she is doomed to these eternal "Mommy, well, what are you doing with your child?!". In addition, what if you and your husband can not provide a baby with everything necessary? In our harsh time, Babushkin, the principle about hooks and lungs works with big interruptions! What if you grow up and the husband will throw you, will you stay alone with your child and eight cats? Or you will become like a mom with this "I put all my life on you, but a native !!". Such fears can quite turn into full neurosis by falling on the fertile soil of postpartum depression. So, perhaps, it is better to look at them first, and then think about children.

You are potential childfrey

You have not played in baby dolls, you have never been interested in other people's children, you want to live exclusively at your pleasure with your loved one and you do not want to spend time on something else. Well, most importantly, you have serious ideological objections against the reproduction of people at all. Perhaps over time your position will change, but while you do not think about it, but you live today. And it is right! Nothing does not need to do anything at all, and even more so try such a serious thing as childbirth. The main thing is to realize in time, you will still become childfriends finally or at some point you will kill the path of motherhood. But here you can only solve you: Your life is your choice.

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