How to have all the young mom


    How to have all the young mom 35701_1
    When a woman becomes mother, she is experiencing an incredible emotional climb, such emotions, feelings that before she never experienced! In order not to say skeptics, children are the greatest joy, then, without which the life of a woman, as a rule, is not full. And at the same time, the appearance of the baby puzzles a young mother.

    After Euphoria, a kind of panic arises: But how do you still have time to rest, when to relax and simply take a meager time for yourself? These questions are puzzled at first any mommy, even the one that has been loaded before the born of the baby. Let's try to put everything on the imaginary shelves? If desired, with the right approach, it is realistic to cope with all the tasks, while certainly there are also those desired 20-30 minutes per day.

    If you are offered help, it is better not to refuse her. No need to portray yourself a super-woman who does not get tired, all day on the legs ...

    After pregnancy, childbirth, the woman is already tired, and permanent child care is able to bear not every. Let at least some kind of concerns with you divide a close person.

    How to have all the young mom 35701_2

    If funds allow, go for a nanny, not necessarily for 24 hours. And a couple of hours, its presence will not be superfluous. In the event that relatives and close help do not offer and no matter what it is not difficult for you, you can ask for it yourself. Do not be afraid of condemns, do not be afraid to seem like a weak, do not be afraid that you will feel bad about you. Just often the same men are not able to understand what kind of motherhood, what is this inbox, real work! Share your experiences - we are confident that the closest you will hear.

    How to have all the young mom 35701_3

    Do not seek to be an ideal mom and wife. Ideal women do not happen. Do not draw yourself in the head those planks that you must achieve, do not chase for records! If something do not have time to do during the day - transfer to the next one. Of course, this does not concern such actions as, for example, feeding a child, changing the diaper. These are those who may wait, say, cleaning, washing and so on.

    There are those activities that can be combined with the baby. Remember about Slings and Kangaroo. Put the cloth there, and at this time, wash the dishes or load the washing machine. Of course, it is better not to sit with the baby near the computer. But when he crawls on a rug or is in a manneva, it is quite realistic to take these 15-20 minutes to check email. The quiet hour of the child is those segments of the time that Mom can use in order to rest too much, sleep a little, read, calmly drink a cup of tea, take a shower or just to be in silence and at your thoughts.

    Walk is almost the perfect "offer" for both mom and crumbs. Do not refuse fresh air, it charges with new energy, power. Walk is that part of the day when you can relax to some extent and the body and soul.

    How to have all the young mom 35701_4

    If it turns out that you have no one to leave the baby, but you need to get out of the house, let's say shopping, then the sling kangaroo will come to the rescue. A child will be happy to watch what is happening around, you will have two hands free, but do not load the packages so that they can barely carry them. It is better to buy something else time.

    Listen to yourself, love yourself and your baby, do not fall in extremes and you will definitely work out!

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