I do not work, I have children, or I work, because I have children?


I do not work, I have children, or I work, because I have children? 35698_1

With the birth of a child, many women plunge into motherhood and are not going to go to work, believing that the husband will work, relatives will help, the state. However, the child will grow up, begins to go to kindergarten, and then to school, and the parent's guardianship every year becomes all less necessary.

Often, women say that they do not work, since they have children, you need not to throw them, but to give them as much attention and care. But children are actually not so much and necessary, especially when the mother is with them 24 hours a day. Sooner or later, she will get tired, which will begin to break. Rest from children is necessary for this and invented kindergartens, and a woman cannot sit at home for a long time, as it starts to dull and degrade. In addition, active women return to work, so as not to lose the qualifications and implement themselves in work. Yes, yes, the purpose of the woman is not at all to sit at home and boil the borschi, but try to realize your potential in all spheres. Therefore, when a woman says that he does not work, since she has children - this is a sign of irresponsibility. Children need to feed. Buy your clothes, and do not forget about yourself. No one guarantees that her husband will always help, because he can leave, and die. And then what to do a woman who did not force themselves or their children?

Another thing when a woman says it works, because she has children.

It is not necessary to choose the work that takes the whole day and return from it completely squeezed. The main thing is that work gives pleasure, and not becoming a cortica.

You can even work at home if you wish, and do not sit at your husband on the neck and think that so all my life will continue. Especially strange when a woman has adults who are already adults, and it still remains a housewife. What is the tog to justify her idleness? Yes, a housewife is not a job, because they do not receive a salary.

Hurry up the children is the easiest way, and in fact the woman does not admit that she is infinitely lazy and does not want to change anything in life, thinking that he will sit on the neck. But in such a situation, force majeures often happen when a woman is forced to leave the usual place of comfort and start everything from scratch. And it is extremely difficult, leads to neurosis. Work is needed to all people, since without it they begin to engage in nonsense, think some strange thoughts. And the children will not be exactly without attention.

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