5 drinks that should be drunk before bedtime if you want to lose weight


5 drinks that should be drunk before bedtime if you want to lose weight 35695_1

You're not so easy to lose weight, and you need close attention to each type of activity, so as not to miss anything that can interfere with reset weight. Even sleep can affect the entire plan of weight loss. If someone is trying to lose weight, it is very important to adequate sleep, because the poor sleep mode leads to the production of hormones, which can lead to weight gain.

Therefore, you need to be very careful with the fact that you drink to sleep coming. A drink that is consumed before bedtime should not add extra calories, as well as it should contribute to a good sleep. For example, it is worth avoiding sugar and caffeine. Thus, in addition to long-term classes in the gym to lose weight, you also need to watch that you drink before bedtime.

1 green tea

This is a well-known fact that green tea helps to reduce weight. This drink can provide various health benefits if you take it before bedtime. The first and most important advantage that he offers is a good sleep. Other benefits are the improvement of the work of the cardiovascular system, the treatment of stress, anxiety and depression, a decrease in cholesterol level, improvement of immunity and losing weight.

2 milk

As a child, a mother could make you drink milk every night before bedtime. Milk is one of the most healthy drink options. It is abounding with calcium and tryptophan, which will also help to sleep well. The correct dream will ensure less desire to choke something (in order to replenish energy) during the day. According to various studies, milk can also help build muscle.

3 grape juice

This is a less well-known option that can be selected as a drink at night. But it is necessary to make sure that grape juice is 100% clean and there is no sugar in it. It will help to sleep better. And if you use grape juice regularly, it will help weight loss. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity showed that antioxidants contained in grapes can transform the accumulated white fat into the brown fat burned by the body. Thus, you can drink a small glass of grape juice before bed to lose weight and at the same time enjoy his taste.

4 chamomile tea

When drinking tea before bedtime, you need to make sure that it does not contain caffeine. Ideal will be chamomile tea that carries significant health benefits. His consumption can help better sleep. It can also help relax the mind and nerves, which will automatically do the whole body relaxed and calm. Tea drinking from chamomile also leads to improved glucose control, which directly increases weight loss.

5 Soy protein cocktail

And finally, you can choose soybean protein as a drink before bedtime. This will help to fight fatty sediments and reduce the weight by reducing the level of cortisol. Regular use of a soy protein cocktail will also help build muscles. And to achieve an even better result you can add a Greek yogurt to a cocktail.

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