8 good reasons to love their enemies


Each person has enemies - people who clearly gives pleasure to hurt him and suffering. Sometimes the enemy appears due to certain differences between people, and sometimes trite due to the circumstances. In other cases, some people ultimately hate someone at all without any reason.

Regardless of where these enemies come from, it is worth considering the reasons why they are worth it ... appreciate.

1. It is a wonderful practical lesson in anger management.

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To be honest, the enemies are the best people who will help develop anger control. Although no one is secret that enemies can cause anger in any person, it is also true that they can help in the desire to cope with this anger. We are talking about a dilemma. On the one hand, it is impossible to really be angry with someone you love. But only when a person is truly annoyed, he will be able to learn how to manage it.

Anger control is more efficient when it is produced in practice, and not in theory.

Therefore, the enemies are better than any therapists, because they really get to hate, and accordingly, and it is possible to obtain the opportunity to control their wrath impulses.

2. This is an opportunity for healthy competition.

Perhaps many do not know this, but enemies can make healthy competition. A person gets the right motivation to compete, and it can have very important to push to victory.

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However, it is important to remember that it is not necessary to become the worst version of yourself during attempts to surpass in everything. Working with a person who is in-person is difficult, and it is necessary to make sure that it will not be harmful to himself or his morality. Healthy competition is a guarantee of success.

3. Negative comments stimulate

It is true that enemies will never say anything good. However, as far as their words were not dictated by a sense of hatred, they may have a share of truth.

Of course, whenever you hear something evil or unpleasant from the enemy, it is standing soberly evaluated. There is a possibility that the words of the enemy are true, and the recognition of this fact is an important step that helps to become better in general. This is another evidence that enemies can be kinda therapists.

4. Enemies can become strong allies

If a person is loved by his enemy, then this may mean that he will try to interact with him and reconcile. In the end, if both are able to find a common language and correct the situation, it will be possible to get a new friend. And this does not prevent anyone.

It can also help in working with people in the long run. After all, a person will hone his interpersonal skills, and this can be a big plus for his work.

5. This makes it possible to implement a positive

Even in the negative barrel there is always a teaspoon of something positive.

Sometimes the knowledge of the fact that the person has enemies, can help him focus on many positive moments of his life. Many times people neglect what is really important in life. And it may be due to excessive concern about the enemies that they have.

Nevertheless, this recognition can also encourage anyone to think and see different things on things and people who surround it.

6. Normal misunderstanding

Sometimes the cause of hostility with someone can be something very harmless. Perhaps a person did not even know about the real reason for spoiled relationships, and his enemy can help learn how it really is.

Just trying to get close to the enemy, you can understand the reason for the break. This, in turn, can help establish relationships in the future. The misunderstandings always occur, and you need to be able to bypass them.

7. You can learn to appreciate Love

A constant reminder that there are enemies, will also help not take as proper to those who love a person really. Love and hatred are two opposite emotions, and one can overshadow another for a moment.

However, although a person always has enemies, there will also always be people who love him. These people should be valued for what they do for a person. Never allow the hatred caused by enemies, to be projected on other people.

8. Does I really need hate?

True lies in the fact that the enemies bring only negative emotions and cause bad reactions. If someone really wants to live a flourishing life, he should not "carry with him all this load emotions and experiences."

Hate is bad, and you need to try my best to get rid of it. The well-known fact is that no one can achieve a lot in life, while carrying a lot of emotional baggage with him. And hatred is the largest form of emotional "cargo."

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