Blowers, horned, prysiness: people who look as if they came out of fantasy films


Blowers, horned, prysiness: people who look as if they came out of fantasy films 35691_1
Special effects in the cinema for a long time we talked to the idea that you can create a person with as far as a strange appearance. But some people who look like Fantasy characters are born such and born in centuries and millennia. On earth are full of people who look like fairy tale elves, iswolves or demons.

Vadoma: Ostrich people

The African Vadoma tribe is afraid of all neighbors. About them walks the glory of people associated with witchcraft. Otherwise, why would there be so many men and women with feet among Vadoma?

On the legs of these wadoma, only two fingers, a little finger and a large, and the rest of the fingers are not among them. In order for a person to walk, leaning on such a foot, these fingers grow clouded inside. In addition, at times, Vadoma has any problems with the number of fingers on their hands: for example, two large on one brush.

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The cause of scientists are looking for the fact that the tribe at some point was for a long time in isolation and inside it in the end everything turned out to be each other relatives. Such a long permanent incest could lead to problems and worse, but Vadoma was lucky. It would help them very much if people from other tribes concluded with them, but none of the neighbors want to give rise to a child with the legs of the ostrich, so Wadom most often have to still marry with each other.

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Vadoma live in Zimbabwe and Botswana. In addition to them, many children with the legs of ostrich are born from one of the tribes of the Kalahari desert tribes, calang, and, obviously, for the same reasons.

People with silver leather

Sometimes there are people with gray-blue metal tint. They are not robots and not aliens: they suffer argrius, silver accumulation in soft tissues. It must be said, silver in large quantities of poisonous for a person, but if it enters the body gradually, it is possible to live in an excess of silver for a long time.

Signs of Arginia are never found in children under ten years, since silver in the body in such quantities to influence the skin of the skin, accumulates for years. In the risk area of ​​Arginia, two types of people: workers of silver mines and silver treatment fans. Silver people in general have long been attributed to magical and healing properties, and many still believe that there are no medicines more efficiently than silver-containing.

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Arginia is not treated. It is impossible to clean the fabrics from silver, nor return them the usual color. In addition, patients with argeria develop problems with vision, gastrointestinal tract (in silver water fans), light (if silver fell into the body through them), disorders of the kidney and liver. Often, patients with argeria die from the paralysis of breathing.

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If people with blue skin exist, then kianetics, people with blue blood - no more than a myth. The first mention of such people belongs to April 1, 2011. That is, this is someone's joke, which is perceived non-critical.

Horned people

People who grow horns on the head - more precisely, usually one horn - it seems always. At different times, their origin was explained differently. They could be considered marked by the gods or, on the contrary, punished for something (for example, for love for gossip). Nowadays, scientists have established that the horns of a person have two types: such as animals, from energous skin - and bone.

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For example, in the sixteenth century, with a French court, a journal of a journal, who acquired a horn after the bump was put in childhood. In place of the injury suddenly began to grow bone rise. The bone is inclined to "figure out" in the place of bruises and damage, and in some people this process becomes inexperienced.

However, much more often the horns grow when the quality of the skin changes in the place of damage. She literally buries. Most often, this process stops when the "horn" reaches a few millimeters, but sometimes the horn grows all his life. According to the legend, one of the beauties of the seventeenth century was very popular with men precisely two symmetrically grown horns - fans found that the woman looks like a sukkuba with them.

Black Blondes and Ryzhiki

Many believe looking at the black owners of white, blond or red hair, which see in front of them or a child of a mixed marriage, or a client of a hairdresser - modern techniques allow you to get literally any hair color that you want. In fact, it may well be a natural chapel.

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On Fiji, in Papua New Guinea, on Vanuatu and some neighboring islands there are a lot of people with golden or ash rusia, which sometimes burn out on the sun as straw or good. Since the ethnographers got to the islanders later than the colonizers, they first suggested that they see traces of very active activities of plantators. But genetic studies of our time have shown that blonde hair is the result of a local mutation, which is different from the one that gave blondes among Europeans.

The carriers of the Bond gene is a quarter of melanesians, but since the recessive gene, he only manifests one of their ten. What for countries inhabited by black, a lot.

In the inhabitants of Africa, light hair happens only with full or partial albinism - that is, when the pigment is generally produced at all. African albinos - rarity, because under the hot sun, until recently, they were doomed to die in childhood, without leaving the offspring. In addition, now, when they can receive proper care, they are hunting for meat as a magic medicine. But even more rarely albinos, there are red-haired Africans.

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Just like the Europeans, the "red" gene is responsible for the uneven distribution of pigment in the skin, so that they can also be covered by freckles. Moreover, the externally owners of the red-haired gene among Africans are not necessarily red, sometimes it manifests itself so weakly that the hair has dark-chestnuts, almost black, and give out "inner rim" only freckles on the nose.

Mermaid people and Werewolver people

Some people are born with membranes between fingers, as if water. This is called "Syndactilia". Others are more similar to those mermaids, that with a tail - they are born with fragile feet. This is Sireselia. Since very often this means non-defined pelvis organs, then before the children-mermaids died shortly after birth. Now they are separated by the feet of surgically and, if necessary, form a ureter and the rectum. All the surviving mermaids are now more children and the mermaids after surgery, of course, are already unlike. And very happy about it!

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Another disease known as hypertrichosis can make a person look like a waswolf: it is all, including a person, can be covered with long hair. In the Middle Ages, such children were killed in Europe, at the new time began to show for money. Hypertrichosis is not treated. Some patients are trying to reduce the hair with a laser, but there is enough effect for a while, others shave every day, and there are permanent skin irritation. Finally, there are those who just live as living, the benefit of people no longer try to kill them.

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