10 things that will make a baby happy


Absolutely all parents wish to grow their children happy. But how to bring such a formula for success? The baby cannot become a caring, confident, attentive and good-natured person without the corresponding generated skills. It turns out that there are important things affecting the happy development of the child, its formation and further fate.

1. Unconditional Parental Love

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Many parents love to "give a portion of love" for certain merits of the child. Room cleaning, the resulting five, made the report "spin" parents for love.

How to

Children need to feel the love of parents. The kids are important to know that this feeling is unconditional. Yes, he scalked two, stained a new shirt and showed a neighbor's tongue - all this no matter, parental love should remain a constant value.

2. Family example

Mother or father's scandals, taking place in the family, cripple a happy childhood childhood. Filming up relationships at the kid - one of the best options to turn it into an uncertain and unhappy person. Children look like a sponge absorbing water.

How to

Children "creep" behavior adopted in their family. You want honesty and attentiveness from the baby - to behave accordingly, and everywhere, even at home. Show the child faithful values ​​reigning in your family, a personal example.

3. Tactile contact

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Psychologists repeat tirelessly that to develop a "hormone of happiness", a person requires eight arms daily. Physical interaction helps us feel loved and important personalities. A person, especially small, is still more needed in close contact with close people.

How to

Conventional hugs, touch improves self-esteem and mood, reducing negative emotions. Even a simple friendly hair climbing or booting cotton on the shoulder will improve the overall health of the child.

4. Useful things

Favorite hamburgers systematically destroy children's stomachs, the soda violates the work of the GIA, and the continuous use of mobile phones and laptops has a tremendous effect on the nervous system and the faster brain.

As you need to seek replace bad habits useful. Instead of chips, buy muesli, fruit, engage in a family ride on bicycles, bring the child to good books.

5. Laughter

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One minute of laughter replaces eight minutes of a good rest. Laughter produces a positive mood, reduces anxiety. It is vital to be able to find time for games, fun and jokes with a child.

How to

Looking for something funny in stories, lived days, teach the baby to rejoice in simple trifles, allow him loud and fun to laugh on the street. Learn to laugh more often, finding a reason to have fun.

6. Communication with parents

High-quality and full communication with the family enriches the life of a little man. Short conversations with a baby during cleaning at home or correspondence in the network are useless. It is important to feel the sincerity and interest of the parent.

How to

Even in the turmoil day to take half an hour or an hour for sincere conversation with a baby on an exciting topic. When there is not enough time, inform the problem of the child with a prerequisite to listen later.

7. Independence and the right to choose

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Since childhood, it is necessary to bring up independence in a small man, producing your own opinion about this or that question. It is not necessary to be afraid that the child "will hesitate from the hands" upon receipt of freedom. Immaturity and infantilism - qualities harmful to many adults.

How to

Start offering a choice since childhood. Let the kid choose a sweater for a walk. When shopping, ask the opinion of your favorite tea. A small person will first find it difficult to make a decision, but, interested in the opinion of the baby, you emphasize its significance.

8. Being friend

Trust relationships with parents are the key to the future success in the fate of the baby. As numerous studies show, it is in families who choose friendly relations, children least have been affected by alcohol or drugs.

How to

A difficult task is to gently prompt when required, excluding moral tone or screams, to propose to find a way out of the current position. However, the further relationship between the child with their parents depends on the construction of confidence, since harmful adolescent age will still inevitably come.

9. Teach the child to the right relationship.

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Self-confident baby can always say "no" to friends on the site, correctly answered by calling, will help weak. The baby is not born with a set of loyal answers and reactions, it acquires them from you.

How to

Teach the baby to respond correctly to the offensive statements, be able to not be shy to say "no", helping weak, to settle a controversial question without fists or hysterics. Inconsive skills will be useful in adulthood, allowing you to be confident in any situation.

10. Do not scold for errors

People have the right to make mistakes, violent criticism will only spoil your relationship. The kid needs to be learning to overcome emerging difficulties, he should not have fear before mistakes.

How to

It is better to use the Soft Council. It is important not to scare your remarks, increasing the toddler's uncertainty. Offer him to think by himself, let the child voiced possible solutions to the problem.

Your baby will be able to become a happy personality in harmony with him, with the right upbringing and laying the necessary values ​​from early childhood. The main key of success is not good and simple life skills that help the child to become a wise and good man.

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