How to make a fruit mask, after which the skin shines


How to make a fruit mask, after which the skin shines 35678_1

Fruits are replete with nutrients and antioxidants, which are very useful for the skin. Fruits can help achieve really shining and healthy skin, and with the right combination in a face mask they are able to work wonders. Do not rely on artificial masks for the face, which promise shining and smooth skin, as often this advertisement is not justified by anything.

It is better to make your own mask of fresh fruit, which will really bring maximum benefit. It will give all the necessary nutrients to give the skin natural shine.

Banana face mask

Bananas are now sold at every step, so this recipe is very simple. From fresh bananas, you can make a face mask that can provide really awesome advantages for the skin. To make your own banana face mask, you need to take half a banana and half a tablespoon of honey. The banana needs to be smoothed and add honey to it, and then add one tablespoon of lemon juice to the mixture. This mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off. This mask will help cure acne, and also give the skin natural shine.

Papaya face mask

Papaya is one of the most amazing fruits for the skin. In fact, it is easy to notic that most skin care products contain papaya, because it acts well on the skin when applied directly to it. Papaya face mask is a great way to refresh the skin. To make a face mask from this fetus, you need to take two parts of the papaya of medium size and smash their flesh, after which add one tablespoon of honey in mask. Before applying paste from Papaya, you need to carefully clean the face, then it is evenly applied to the paste and leave for 20 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed. If you apply this face mask regularly, smooth and shining skin is guaranteed.

Apple-orange face mask

This mask is extremely saturated with nutrients, since it contains the best properties of both fruits. It contains a maximum of vitamins and the utility of citric acid present in oranges. You need to take a few pieces of apple and several pieces of orange and mix them together to get a thick paste, after which add one tablespoon of honey and two turmeric chopping into the mixture. You can also add a few drops of milk to the paste to make it smoother. It is necessary to apply it on face and neck at least 20 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water.

Mango face mask

A mixture of mango and cottage cheese will help achieve flawless skin. You need to take a few pieces of mango and one tablespoon of cottage cheese and mix cottage cheese with mango flesh. This paste is applied to the face for 20-30 minutes, after which it must be washed and apply a soft moisturizing cream.

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