How Kokoshnik appeared in Russia: the headdress of Russian beauties


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In the time of ancient Russia, a woman could not be shown with a uncoated head not only on the street, but even at home. It was believed that a married woman who walks with the flowing hair, capable of sticking trouble not only on his family, but also on the whole village. Therefore, Kokoshnik became an important object for the preservation of Slavic customs and belief. But, what does he represent?

What is Kokoshnik

Kokoshnik is an old headdress of a traditional Russian costume in the form of a high crescent, a single or twin cone. Without it, it would be impossible to even imagine the national set of clothes. His feature was the comb, the form of which varied depending on the location. In addition, if you continue to talk about the identity of the head of the head of the same period, in contrast to other "fellow" of the same period, with time Kokoshnik could afford any woman regardless of the family and financial position.

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Kokoshniki has always been very diverse in their design and way of decoration. As a basis, it was usually a solid material, and on top of them were covered with beads, pearls, a pacho, parchment, and precious stones went to the rich women. The main thing is that they were united by this that they sat on the head tightly and the hair, which were molded into the beam, two braids or wreath completely closed. Thus, ladies in Russia went, as it should be - with a covered head.

Like many external attributes, Kokoshnik created as a festive decoration, especially for weddings, and for everyday life, only in a more simplified version. For wedding ceremonies, for example, the ornaments were embroidered on Kokoshnik, who helped preserve the relationship between her husbands and his wife. Therefore, for many women, the headdress was not only a beautiful part of the appearance, but also a real faith.

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Professional masters performed as producers. These hats were sold almost everywhere, ranging from village shops, ending the ladies asked to make a personal order.

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In the 19th century, Kokoshnik was distributed in a merchant, as well as a peasant environment, and in Doparerovskaya Rus also in the boyar environment. Wearing Kokoshnikov during the days of the European reforms of Peter I was abolished and preserved only in the villages. The last time, when at the state level it was possible to see this headdress, dated 1903. Later, after the revolution about the national costume, as well as their components were made to forget.

The appearance of Kokoshnik

Despite the fact that in everyday life, Kokoshnik was perfectly assimilated and became a widespread phenomenon, the history of his occurrence is still ambiguous. Even the origin of the word "Kokoshnik" ("Cokosh" - "Rooster" or "Chicken") reserves questions, as the first mention of it is dated only by the XVII century.

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Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that the descriptions of the headlife similar to Kokoshnik, historian scientists were able to discover still in the Novgorod annals of the tenth century.

The history of Russian Kokoshnik has several versions of his appearance. The most basic and popular is the so-called "Byzantine" option. When Trade was established between Russia and Byzantium, the daughter of Russian princes was adopted by the Vizainti modnic, their high and unusual hats. And it is not surprising that this interpretation is the most believable and paramount. After all, Grechany since the time of antiquity was carried on their hairstyles of the diadems, fixed with the help of silk ribbons. And the active development of trade relations between the two countries could introduce Russian beauties with a captivating style of foreign girls.

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The second version of the origin of Kokosnik is "Mongolian", the essence, which is that Mongolian women wore a similar headdress. Nevertheless, despite the fact that such a thing of clothing came from where to the ancient Slavs, the main thing is that it organically fit into the way of Russian costume.

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