How to use coconut oil for hair beauty


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Hair loss can cause fair nerves to women. And sometimes this process becomes uncontrollable, which leads to more and more stress. There are various products on the market that promise to stop the hair loss in the shortest possible time, but how reliable they are.

In fact, sometimes they can cause the opposite effect. Natural methods are the best ways to combat hair loss, and coconut oil is one of these natural resources.

Why exactly coconut oil

The main advantages of coconut oil, which contribute to hair growth are:

- works like natural hair conditioner; - prevents dryness and reduces hair damage; - richly antioxidants who contribute to healthy hair growth; - It has antifungal and antibacterial properties that protect the hair and scalp from any bacteria or infections; - can improve blood circulation; - Nourishes hair follicles.

Methods of using coconut oil

Remedy for rapid hair growth

Coconut oil can make hair thick and longer. After a long tiring day, it is worth getting some coconut oil and heat it on medium heat (in no case cannot overheat the oil and do not bring it to a temperature above warm). After that you need to thoroughly rub the oil into the skin of your head with your fingers. It is necessary to massage correctly, not missing a single site on the scalp. Finally, you need to wrap your hair with a towel or cloth and leave so for the night. In the morning, the hair must be washed with a soft shampoo.

Protective spray before washing

Hair and skin of the head can be overwhelmed after washing, as they will absorb extra water. The presence of excess water in the hair follicles will also weaken the roots of the hair, which can stimulate their loss. Coconut oil can be used 15-20 minutes before flushing her hair. It will provide a protective layer for them and prevent absorption of excess water.

Air conditioning

Hair conditioner can be replaced by coconut oil, which will ensure much more benefit. You need to wash your hair as usual, take a few drops of coconut oil and apply it to wet hair instead of air conditioner, then wash them with ordinary water. You should not use butter too much, because its excess can make hair fat.

Means from perchot

Dandruff is a common problem today. Moisturizing oil is very important to combat dandruff, and the presence of fatty acids in coconut oil can serve as a good tool from this problem. To combat dandruff, you can mix coconut and castor oil, having obscured the skin of the head with this mixture a few hours before washing the hair. You can practice this method regularly every 5-6 days and to get rid of dandruff forever.

Coconut oil does not have side effects, but if someone encounters any problems such as itching or infection, it is worth stopping it.

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