9 myths about skin care in which many continue to believe


In the conditions of permanent hype with respect to the appearance of all new "necessary" cosmetic products, anti-aging procedures and skin care councils, it becomes more difficult to separate the hype and advertising from reality. Therefore, we give some advice of leading dermatologists about how you do not care for the skin.

Myth number 1: Solariums are safe if there are no UVB rays

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Everyone knows that the sun is harmful to health and can lead to skin cancer and premature aging. But what about Solariyev. Companies providing services for solariums often say that they are safe from the point of view of the so-called "solar burns", since they do not use the UVB rays (one of the types of ultraviolet radiation). But in the solarium, a person still exposes its skin to the effects of ultraviolet rays, which penetrate deep into the skin and cause damage capable of leading to premature aging and skin cancer.

Myth number 2: The higher the SPF, the better the protection against solar radiation

There are three types of ultraviolet (UV) rays: UVA, UVB and UVC. The UVA rays penetrate the skin rather deep, changing its pigmentation and thereby causing a tan. UVB rays are the cause of sunburn. These rays also damage the skin DNA and cause photobores, changing pigment and carcinoma (cancer tumors). UVC rays are absorbed by the atmosphere and do not fall on the ground.

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SPF (sunscreen filters) on the sunscreen refers to the degree of protection that the product provides from ultraviolet rays or solar burns. Therefore, many sunscreens must provide protection from both UVA and UVB. You need to look for cream with SPF at least 15, as well as containing one of the following ingredients: Mexoril, Oxybenzon or Avobenzon (Parsol 1789).

Myth number 3: In the cloud day, sunscreen is not needed

Even on a cloudy day, ultraviolet radiation of the sun reaches the surface of the earth. Therefore, you need to use sunscreen every day, and it is necessary to apply it every two hours, as well as after bathing or sweating.

In addition, you do not need to believe in the myth that you will be protected only because we carry makeup with the SPF effect. According to Leslie Bauman, Dr. Medicine, Director of the Cosmetic Group of the University of Miami and the author The Skin Type Solution, to actually reach the SPF, which is indicated on the label, will have to be applied at 14 or 15 times more cosmetics than the "normal" person. The same applies to the basics and liquid makeup. And finally, the sunscreen should be applied in parallel with the rest of the cosmetics.

Myth №4: Washing soap will save the skin healthy and prevents acne appearance

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"When you wash off, while we wash off some natural protective fats from the skin, which can lead to the appearance of rashes and even burns," explains the doctor of medicine and certified dermatologist Sandy Johnson. Instead, according to her, it is better to use a soft detergent, and then moisturizing cream or sunscreen.

Myth number 5: It is better to squeeze a punch from acne

The truth is that if you squeeze acne, it is fraught with many consequences. At the same time, inflammation is exacerbated, which can lead to the formation of scars and the spread of infection under the skin. That is why in a few days a new pimple is often formed from the first.

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Dermatologists argue that it is very important that people stop picking themselves in their faces. And if you resist the temptation to squeeze the pimples simply no strength, it is worth doing this using a special professional tool to remove the eels that can be purchased at all in any kind of cosmetics store.

Myth number 6: Face and microdermabrasion care is useful for skin care

In recent years, this myth has become very popular, especially in connection with the distribution of daytime resorts. But a recent study conducted in India showed that the face masks actually cause acne in 80% of people.

After them, the patient usually feels good, but the procedure has no long-term use for the skin, except relaxation. Like microdermabrasion, which simply removes the top layer of the skin, they are just a waste of money.

Myth number 7: Dear skin care products work best

It is just not true, and many lots of the mass market are trite better than expensive.

According to dermatologists, the most active ingredients contained in anti-aging creams are similar, regardless of whether they are sold at a local store or in fashionable boutique. Of course, expensive skin care products can be good, you can simply find something no less good, but much cheaper.

Myth number 8: Anti-aging means (or "wrinkle creams") can really remove wrinkles

Most creams from wrinkles simply moisturize the skin, giving it elasticity and temporarily improving its appearance. Therefore, you should not buy for deception. However, there is one product that has an impressive story and the ability to really remove thin lines on the skin. These are retinoids.


These creams or drops, often sold under the name "Retinol" or "Trertinoin" penetrate the skin and improve the exchange of skin cells. Studies have shown that they are quite effective in treating acne, reducing wrinkles and eliminate the consequences of photoregation or damage to the skin from the Sun. Some retinoids can be bought without a recipe.

It can also be recommended to use antioxidant cream containing vitamin C, but it should be remembered that such creams tend to destabilize very quickly. Thus, they need to be applied right in front of the "output to the light".

Myth number 9: Lasers can make it look for 20 years younger

Many different types of laser devices are sold on the market, which make completely different things. Some help with pigment spots, other wrinkles. Some deepen into the skin structure and activate collagen. Moreover, it's all advertised so much that people may think that such pieces can make a patient with a completely different person.

Although the lasers are much better than they were a few years ago, and give better results with fewer side effects, patients still need to be realistic about what these devices can really do.

Therefore, it is easier not to stay in the sun for a long time and use good sunscreen every day.

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