Test Europe: How Yaroslav Wise Daughters got married


Test Europe: How Yaroslav Wise Daughters got married 35670_1
One of the ways to search for reliable allies and the formation of strong international relations at all times, dynastic marriages were considered. And it doesn't matter that no king can not marry love, because the purpose of such marriages was not the happiness of two separate people, but the prosperity and well-being of at least two states

Rurikovichi on the thrones of Europe

In the Kiev Sophia Cathedral, the fresco was preserved to this day with the image of the daughters of Prince Yaroslav Wise - one of the most enlightened rulers of his time. One of the important aspects of the prince's foreign policy, in which, among other things, according to official data, was nine children, was the conclusion of international marriages. All his children were either married to European princesses or married to European rulers. By the way, the prince himself was married to the "alien": his wife Irina - in the Maiden's Swedish Princess Inhigerda. But, back to the fresco, on which Yaroslavna depicted. Their fate (not without the active participation of Prince-Father, of course) there was such a way that they were born in Kiev princes, they became European queens. According to official data, Yaroslav Wise had three daughters, however, they are not mentioned in Russian chronicles. The main sources of information about the life of Yaroslavn are foreign sources.

Anastasia Yaroslavna

Older daughter Yaroslav wise called Anastasia. Her Duckedy became the Hungarian Duke-exile Andrars, who was hiding in Russia. Having enlisted with the support of the Kiev prince (read the testa) and his wife from a good family, Andraha managed to regain the Hungarian throne. So, the duke became the king, and the royal wife is printed. It was possible to leave his mark in the Hungarian history of Anastasia: Kievlyanka promoted the spread of Orthodoxy and even founded several Orthodox monasteries.

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The royal couple had two sons. Senior, Vulzon, was twice overthrown from the throne and shelled twice in Germany, and his mother who died in the Admont Monastery is allegedly buried along with his royal husband in the royal tomb on Lake Balaton.

Elizabeth Yaroslavna

Story of Marriage Princess Elizabeth Romantic Sisters Stories. The Scandinavian sagas have preserved legends about the walling of Norwegian Harald to Elizabeth. Wounded in the battle in styladystist, he fled to Kiev. But Harald received a refusal from Yaroslav. As the legend says, the Kiev prince did not want to give his daughter to marry a stranger, who does not have to manage the state and which is not rich enough. But Norwegez so simply did not give up: driven by love, he spent three years in the service of Yaroslav, then served by the Byzantine emperor, participated in many battles and battles. He won his bravery and the heart of Princess Elizabeth and the Norwegian throne.

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Harald's homeland returned to the king at hand with his wife-Queen. Two daughters have born, though the king soon took the second wife who gave him two sons to him, however, until the death of Harald in the battle of the Norwegian Queen, Elizabeth remained. But, it can be seen, the destiny of Kiev was intended to wear another crown. Elizabeth married the second time for the Danish king is compiled II. When the life path of the Danish Queen was cut, it is unknown.

Anna Yaroslavna

About the life of the youngest daughter of Prince Anne Yaroslavn to marriage little known. Anna was more than educated for his time: he knew how to read, write, and also owned Latin, Greek and Swedish. According to the French historian of the XVII century Francois de Mester, the rumors about the beauty and education of Anna reached the King of Heinrich I, which was fascinated by Prince, and perhaps a potential future test, which had a great influence on international politics.

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Anna's wedding with Henrich took place in the Reimsky Cathedral, there was also the coronation of the Kiev Princess, which at first took an active part in state affairs. So, before this day, documents with the signature of Anna Yaroslavna were preserved. Unlike his educated spouse, Heinrich I instead of signature put the cross.

Another interesting story is connected with Prince Anna. Yaroslavna brought the Gospel from Kiev, written in Slavic. This book was revered in France sacred and all the kings joined the French throne gave her oath, but the text of the Holy Scripture was not clear to anyone. So far, I did not get into the hands of the king of Peter I, who traveled in France and freely read the book surrounded by the amazed French.

Anna gave birth to the French king of four children, including the heir, the future king of France Philip I.

Three sisters ... or four?

The official version states that the Kiev Prince had three daughters, but among historians there is an opinion that there was a fourth daughter of Agata, who became the wife of the heir to the English throne of Eduard externique. According to other data, Agatha was the sister of Yaroslav, but on the famous aforementioned fresco, agate is depicted along with Anastasia, Elizabeth and Anna.

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