10 unusual Chinese medical procedures and their effect


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Chinese medicine exists for a very long time. Systematic records of teaching methods first appeared in China in the II century BC. Since then, hundreds of thousands of doctors worked on their "magic", ultimately leading to the emergence of modern traditional Chinese medicine.

This type of treatment is well known for its bizarre and unorthodox approach to medicine. And people are just today begin to understand how it works with a modern scientific point of view.

1. Medical banks

Many consider banks with ordinary placebo, but it is not. They are usually used to help with chronic pain, as well as in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and high blood pressure.

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According to the latest research, medical banks can expand blood vessels and improve blood circulation, allowing the body to get rid of slags and toxins faster. Although, it is possible that there are no evidence that banks are really helping with heart disease, they can become effective treatment to facilitate all types of pain with minimal side effects.

2. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a proven practice that is becoming increasingly popular around the world. It is historically believed that it is able to stimulate vitality and heal many diseases. Today, acupuncture is usually used to treat chronic pain.

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In China, it is even used as anesthesia form during operations. Studies have shown that patients demonstrate a good reaction to acupuncture in the treatment of chronic pain and fibromyalgia. Its effectiveness as additional therapy is becoming increasingly obvious over time. Although this method is clearly not for the faint of heart, in fact, when acupuncture, patients experience few painful sensations.

3. Ginseng

One of the most significant ingredients in any mixture of traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng translates as a "root man" due to its similarity with a human body with limbs. Obvious visual similarity with the human body made ginseng symbolic medicine from all human diseases in Chinese medicine. However, in addition to mysticism, this root is known to have many useful effects that can contribute to well-being in the long run.

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Because of its powerful antioxidant effects, ginseng, as believed, reduces inflammation. Studies showed its potential in reducing the oxidative process in the human body. This reduction in inflammation can significantly affect health, a in particular to improving the health of the brain, erectile dysfunction and even cancer prevention.

4. Sea skates

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One of the most unusual and pretty marine inhabitants became famous thanks to its unique ability to male pregnancy. Sea skates are used worldwide as pets in aquariums and even as food. In traditional Chinese medicine, these little creatures are considered almost a miracle panacea. It is argued that they are useful for kidneys, sexual activity and libido, and also stimulate the activities of the nerves.

5. Softwear turtles

The soft turtles are an expensive ingredient who, as the Chinese believe, has a useful properties for humans. It is believed that the soft shell of such a turtle can moisturize the skin, feed blood, treat diarrhea and improve the immune system. According to some studies, soft turtles contribute to the production of immunoglobulin, which can extend the existence of certain antibodies.

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This improves the immune system and protects a person from diseases. In addition to use in medical practice, mild turtles are a real delicacy in some areas of China, as they are full of minerals and collagen.

6. Cockroaches

Over the past decade, cockroaches really began to be used in traditional Chinese medicine. On many farms throughout China, billions of these insects are specifically growing. In 2013, even a catastrophe occurred when millions of cockroaches escaped from one farm. It turns out that cockroaches help with burns, and also used in many cosmetic products in China and South Korea.

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It is believed that they also help with gastroenteritis, problems with a duodenal intestine and pulmonary tuberculosis. In fact, the pharmaceutical company in the province of Sichuan is developing cockroaches based medicinal syrup.

7. Oleny Temons

It is believed that another traditional drug in Chinese families, deer tendons, could potentially benefit in terms of strengthening bones and tendons, reduce muscle spasms and even temporary relief from arthritis. Scientists stated that these effects are associated with a high level of collagen peptide and proteins contained inside the tendons.

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Studies show the ability of this tissue to reduce bone loss and progression of osteoporosis in rats. Unfortunately, the tendon of real deer is quite problematic, since many pharmacies sell cheap cargo tendons, not deer.

8. Starfish

Sea stars are known for their strong anti-inflammatory properties. Considering that inflammatory processes are observed in many diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, irritable colon syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, allergic, asthma, and even cancer, easy to understand why doctors around the world were looking for ingredients with anti-inflammatory effects .

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These effects are even studied in Western medicine. The adhesive mucus of a special type of marine star is investigated in the aid of its use in the treatment of inflammation related diseases.

9 Cordyceps

Known as "worm grass" or "Mushroom Caterpillar" in China, in the scientific community this mushroom is known as Cordyceps Chinese. This is a terrible mushroom that begins his life cycle as a small dispute, which infects the larvae of one of the types of butterflies living high in the mountains. As soon as anyone unsuspecting caterpillars die (since Cordyceps feeds on a larvae from the inside), a terrible mushroom sprout through her body. It looks like the terrible fingers of the "alien" or caterpillar that has grown out of the body. Fortunately, the arms disputes do not infect people. Cordyceps, as is known, helps for the treatment of kidney and liver, and some athletes use it to increase productivity. New studies even identified activity against cancer cells, which can reduce the size of tumors, especially with lung and skin cancer.

10. Gecko

Gecko are used to combat coughing and cold, as well as presumably capable of positively effect on light and kidney (which are associated with a cough in traditional Chinese medicine).

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The Chinese believed that if "feeding" the kidneys and strengthen the lungs, the cough will disappear in the shortest time - and all this can be done using a simple choping of a dried lizard. Usually dried gecons are prescribed as a medicine from impotence and premature ejaculation.

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