5 things about which you need to know before going to China for the first time


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Travels are one of those things that look very fun and tempting in theory, but when it comes to practice, a lot of problems is found. For example, if someone gathered for the first time to go to China, he faces a few things before the trip.

1. Does the visa need

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First, for a trip to China, you will need a visa. There are many different types of visas, but tourist and business are most popular. To get any of them, you will need information about the goal of the trip, passport and quite a significant cash fee. In addition, it is necessary to personally submit an application for a visa to the consulate (mail applications are not accepted). To obtain a visa, you may need up to three weeks.

2. What vaccinations need to be done and what no

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The journey abroad may seem very terrible when reading in the news about Ebola's fever, malaria and Zika virus, but statistics argue that tourists almost never face all these horrors. However, before the trip, it is necessary to find out which vaccinations need to be done. For example, basic vaccinations are recommended for a trip to China (from tetanus, meningitis, etc.), as well as from abdominal typhoid and hepatitis A. In addition, it may be necessary to prevent malaria if during the trip a traveler will be in forest areas.

3. Do not use tap water

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In the travel budget, it is necessary to schedule money on bottled water. Simply put: Water water in China is unsafe. It contains such a "bouquet" of various nastiness, that no sensible person will not drink it. In addition, you need to make sure that if ice is placed in the drink, it was frozen from bottled or boiled water. Coffee and drinking tea is quite safe due to the fact that water is boiling for them. And by the way, to clean the teeth you need to use water from bottles, and not from the crane. Fortunately, water is quite safe for the adoption of the soul (if there are no fusing open wounds and if you do not take a shower with a wide open mouth).

4. Learn the main Chinese phrases

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No one expects from the traveler from Russia that he will be free to speak Chinese, because this language is not taught in most schools. However, the study of some major phrases will greatly facilitate the journey. Perhaps, it is necessary to recommend online programs so that you can hear how words are pronounced correctly, as well as a book like the "Self-Tutorial among the Chinese".

For example, it is necessary to learn the following phrases: "Where is the toilet", "Do you have water in bottles", "how much it costs", "Can you help me find anything," "Help, I am lost." . Many people in large cities will speak English, but do not need to rely on it.

5. There will be no access to social networks, if you do not use VPN

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The "Great Chinese Firewall" will become the most terrible nightmare of the millennium, if not to be ready for it. Yes, everything is true, the local firewall blocks almost all the sites of the usual social networks, including VKontakte, classmates, Facebook, Instagram, Google (Yes, even Gmail) and YouTube. One way to bypass this is to install a VPN on your phone or computer before going to China. There are many different VPNs, and be sure to find out which of them will be guaranteed to work in China.

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