12 proven tips, how to warm up in cold weather


12 proven tips, how to warm up in cold weather 35559_1

Now in the street Winter, and sometimes I do not want to even leave the house on the street. And the apartment does not always please the heating, and sometimes you have to put the sweater even in bed. However, there is a solution to how to "survive" in the lung frost. Using the following tips, you can warm up regardless of how terribly cold on the street.

1. In cold weather, you first need to warm up

It is easier to increase body temperature than the temperature in the room. Instead of incorporating heaters to full, why simply not to wear a bathrobe or sports pants with a sweater. Yes, and accounts for electricity after that will not call shock.

2. Do not forget about the cap

Once it won the belief that 80 percent of the heat of the body is lost through the head, but in fact it is not. Heat "disappears" from any part of the body, which is unprotected falls on the cold. So you can wear a hat, even being at home.

3. Turn on the ceiling fan

Of course, such things remained very rare in what apartment. However, if there is a similar device, it is necessary to remember that warm air rises to the ceiling. You need to start the fan on the minimum turnover in the direction clockwise to direct the warm air down.

4. Contrast souls

Hot shower immediately warms the person, and this is not a secret for anyone. But the cold shower improves the blood circulation between the skin and the internal organs.

5. Aquapalki

Aquapalkas - cylindrical pieces made of foamed material, which is used for swimming in the pool. In winter, you can prevent heat leakage from the apartment, cutting the aquapalka along, wrapped it into the fabric and intensifying under the door.

6. Programmable thermostat

Those who have a similar gadget at the battery at home, it's a little easier to carry frosts. After all, now you will never have to return home to the cold apartment. You can "natopit" before, since you can control the thermostat from your smartphone.

7. Deceive a blocked thermostat

Not everyone has access to the adjustment of the thermostat in its apartment or office building. If this may have to overcome the device, forcing it to "think" that in the room is colder than in fact. Just need to put a piece of ice next to him.

8. Warm clothes for windows

If the houses are too cold, you can get soothe not only yourself, but also to "wear" windows. In winter, thin curtains need to be replaced with thicker woolen or fleece porters. It does not need to forget to open them on sunny days for additional heating.

9. Cooking

If you use oven in the kitchen, preparing all sorts of delicious, then the whole apartment will be heated. And if you invite friends to freshly baked cookies, then they are even more ironed by the apartment with warmth of their bodies.

10. Composting

Of course, this Council is not suitable for the apartment. If someone has already thought about composting, there is another reason to do this: the microbial decay of the organic material produces heat. Some people use it for heating the soul and greenhouses.

11. The most subtle and tight blanket must be top

It is intuitive, but fluffy thick blankets should be closer to the human skin. Thin, dense blankets need to be put on top to prevent convective heat loss. And the Council is finally: you can not put the bed right at the outer wall. It will be warmer if you leave between the bed and the wall a little space.

12. Put homemade insulation in pockets

You can just buy warkeys for hands, but why not make them yourself. All that is needed is two polyethylene packaging on clasps, water and calcium chloride granules, bought in a shopping store.

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