5 proven ways to cope with the desire to eat sweet



Our body can not live without sweet, even meaties sometimes love to pamper themselves. That's just addiction to sweet does not bring the body any benefit - on the contrary, sugar addiction is one of the most serious problems in the world.

Otherwise, sugar is called white death, and all because its constant use in large quantities leads to problems with teeth, figure and health at all. And problems need to be eradicated. To overcome its dependence on sugar, you just need to follow 5 simple tips.

Everything needs to be done gradually

You need to slow down the amount of sweet in the diet gradually - immediately and completely abandon the sugar is almost impossible. Even if you manage to hold out a couple of days, then a strong breaking will begin when you can break and eat even more. Reducing the volume of sugar consumption, it is worth thinking about his substitutes. For example, Stevia, honey, fructose and maple syrup will make life no less sweet, but at the same time they also bring benefit.

Passion for sweet is a simple habit

To drink a seagull with a candy, to eat a cake for a birthday, organize a snack with a cookie - all this is nothing more than habit. To eradicate the habit - it is necessary to replace it with something, because there are no emptiness in nature. In this case, you need to work on your power circuit - think in advance over a useful and no less delicious snack and ensure yourself to them so that at the right moment do not capture the chocolate.

Another good reception is to begin to associate pleasant sweetness with some unpleasant and nasty product. As an option - just imagine that if you do not slow down the amount of sweet, then there is no problem with skin and weighing.

Disable desire to sweetly with proteins

All those who want to abandon sweetness nutritionists advise more protein food into the diet, it is especially actively used for breakfast. This is due to the fact that proteins support the normal level of blood sugar, and also suppress craving for sweets. Therefore, look at such products like eggs, nuts, seeds and fish.

Sleep, sleep and once again

It is noted that at a lack of sleep, the body requires more sugars. So that the struggle with sweets is more productive, it is worth establishing your sleep and wake mode. This will not only reduce the craving for sweet, but also will have a positive effect on beauty and health.

Decent replacement of sweets

In order not to break, experts recommend to stock something sweet, tasty, but helpful. The perfect option is fruits and dried fruits. And as soon as you wanted to eat, for example, cookies - eat a banana. For those who are difficult to abandon cookies, you can recommend that they themselves can be recommended, but do it without adding sugar, but with fruits and honey, for example.

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