Face Care: Maximum Program for Each Lady


Face Care: Maximum Program for Each Lady 35541_1
If the skin is healthy and smooth, then even without makeup, a woman looks beautiful and well-groomed. And so that it was so, the condition of your skin needs to be monitored not only carefully, but also correctly. On how to do this, which includes mandatory care and how not to make mistakes in the process, we will tell in this article. All tips, regardless of the type of skin, general, and are suitable for all women - individually only the selection of cosmetics is individual.

Literate face care

By caring for their skin, you need to stick to two rules. Regularity The basic skin care must occur in the mornings and evenings. All procedures take no more than three minutes. This is a bit, but the effect of this will be colossal. Proper application of all leaving cosmetics should be applied exclusively through massage lines. Thus, the skin will stretch less. Otherwise, improper application will lead to premature wrinkle formation.

It is necessary to distribute the cream with the tips of the fingers, without creating pressure and without pulling the skin. Hand brush in the process should relax.

If the texture of the cream is dense, and the skin is gentle and thin, such as the zone around the eyes, then the method of pattering application can be applied. In this case, cosmetologists advise the nameless fingers into the move, because They are the weakest and more difficult to put on the skin too much.

Remember the location of massage lines is easy - almost all of them are directed from the center to the side. In the opposite direction you need to move only near the eyes.

It is necessary to distribute cosmetics in the front area of ​​the neck, and on the sides, on the contrary, from top to bottom.

Literate face care

And now let's go directly to the care. Daily mandatory beauty procedures consist of three stages: cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Consider more each of the items.

Cleansing skin cleansing should occur not only in the evenings, but also in the morning. Despite the fact that after waking up the skin looks clean, it is necessary to remove all the dirt from its surface, which has accumulated overnight. If this is not done, then all this will return back into the skin with the cream.

And morning, and evening cleansing is performed in one technique: 1. Wash your hands - dirty hands touch the face is unacceptable. 2. In the evening, if there is makeup on the face, it needs to be removed with a milk or lotion. 3. Then it is necessary to moisten the skin with water, and apply a cleansing means for washing. The whole process should not take more than a minute, because This time is enough to dissolve all dirt. Then follows the warning wash. 4. At the end of the process, blot your face with a towel. Skin toning Toning allows you to eliminate the effects of purification. At this stage, the normal pH level is restored, and the skin is prepared for applying the cream. Therefore, it is necessary to use the tonic after morning and evening wash. Soak the tonic to the blade and wipe your face. Or, if the tonic spray is used, just sprinkle your skin, and then wipe the napkin. Stage moisturizing Moisturizing skin is also carried out twice a day. The lack of moisture becomes the cause of dryness and, as a result, early formation of wrinkles, loss of elasticity and aging. Proper application of creams The process of applying cream can be divided into several steps: 1. Apply the required amount of means on the back of the hand. 2. Before distributing the cream in the face, squeeze the composition with your fingers, so that it takes the body temperature - in this case the cream efficiency will be higher. 3. After that, the cream can be distributed in the face and neck. The cream on the eye around the eyes should only be on the bone edge (it can be easily soldered with your fingers). Do not apply the tool along the cilia and on the mobile eyelo - do not worry, in this area the cream will be distributed independently in the right amount. 4. At the time of applying funds, it does not need to save it, but also it is not worth the abundant layer that the skin continues to breathe unhindered. If after half an hour the cream did not absorb completely, its remnants need to be removed using a clean napkin, just grooking the face.

When using day cream, it should be borne in mind that it should be applied not later than half an hour before leaving the house, in the winter in the winter in 60 minutes. This time is required for the means to have absorbed. There is a rule rule and for a night cream, which is applied no later than 60 minutes before sleep. While the muscles are in motion - the cream is perfectly absorbed and works. If you apply it immediately before going to bed, then the disturbed microcirculation and relaxed muscles will lead to the stress of the cream, which morning will appear in the form of a female swelling. Especially important is for the area around the eyes. Up to 25 years, the skin can well restore itself, so young words can be neglected with a night cream. Full evening leaving the young skin can be ensured by cleansing and toning. If despite the early age, attempts to actively care, it will launch the early aging process.

Frequent facial care questions

Question. Is it possible to wash the water from the tap?

Answer. Ideally, wash it better clean, not chlorinated water, or replace it with filtered. But even if there is no such possibility, it is not worth worrying. The contact of the skin with water lasts long, and then tone occurs, which neutralizes the consequences of such an unpleasant contact.

Question. Do you need hot water or better very cold?

Answer. Hot water negatively affects the condition of the skin: pores and capillaries are expanding from it, the salo-waste and greasy is rising. Ice water causes the narrowing of the vessels, which leads to malnutrition. For this reason, it is better to choose a room temperature for washing.

Question. Is it possible to use water at all in purification, and make cosmetics to remove only cleansing lotions or milk?

Answer. Yes, you can. But in this case, after using the milk, or another cleansing agent, it is necessary to wipe the face with a cotton disk, moistened in clean drinking water in order to remove the remnants of the means.

Question. Do I need to clean the skin in the morning, as in the evenings?

Answer. If the skin is mixed or fat, it requires a full cleansing a couple of times a day. If the skin is sensitive, thin or mature, then in the morning, after washing with water, you can immediately begin the process of toning.

It's not so difficult to care for the skin, as it may seem at first glance, the main thing is to do it regularly and taking into account the rules we wrote about above. However, that efforts be made fruit - it is very important to choose suitable leaving cosmetics, and in this case only a real specialist will be able to help.

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