15 almost ingenious ideas than to take a child if it rains on the street


15 almost ingenious ideas than to take a child if it rains on the street 35536_1

The bad weather or a cold forced to publish the house from boredom? We will tell you what to do to the games of lovely kids did not leave an apartment in the ruins.

1. Route


Using the adhesive tape on the floor, you can lay out the routes for the park machines. By the way, here is the reason to collect all the cars in one place. Of course, you will first be sure that the semi does not believe the drafts.

2. Mysterious Island


Why there is parking! If a leaf of millimeters, Watman or an unnecessary roll of wallpaper, you can draw a whole card with a child with a child, arrange the inhabitants and their dwellings with a child.

3. Balls from stress


Tired of plasticine forever turns out to be in the wrong places? Fill them over the balloons and draw the face. It turns out the same anti-stress balls that sell in all parks of attractions for incomplete money.

4. Floating cloud


Heat a piece of white, without additives, soap in the microwave. And look with the child, in horror and admiration, as it is inflated into the cloud. Which then you can still wash.

5. Fresh school


Turn the game into paper airplanes to the competition counting points, drawing a target for airplanes.

6. Go hiking!


It does not matter if you have a real tent at home. Expand Bivouk can be used with the help of chairs, plaids, sofa pillows. For the sake of such a holiday, you can even eat any very hiking food (warm juice from the thermos and a delicious sandwich, for example), sitting in a shelter.

7. Dry fishing


You can make fishing without water. We will have to sacrifice one magnet from the refrigerator for the fishing rod and a dozen closure for fish.

8. Drawing feet


Another game for the happy owners of a really large sheet of paper. Doubt a couple of puffed packages and arrangement with a child of modern art.

9. Designer as a new


If you put the houses and cars according to the instructions already tired, turn the designer into the game for the development of fantasy. You will need some kind of mereganiznica or a set of 6 cups. Stir the blocks, mound them with equal portions to numbered dishes. Then let the child throws a cube. Which number fell - from such a set of cubes and you need to build something.

10. Rice balls


From any cardboard box and several rollers from toilet paper will be a great labyrinth for balls. If there are no beautiful glass balls at home, not trouble, roll them out of foil. Another steeper to build a hefty rolling system from plastic bottles.

11. Paint without feet


A new way to play with paint, leaving the opportunity around the world safely - pour some paint into tightly closing packages. You can also add brilliance. The kids are amazing, gluing the bag to the window, so that through it also shouted. Children, not inclined to contact in packets of holes, add a sheet of paper to the paint, and let it calmly squeezes his fingers on the table, not a drop of stupid.

12. Chain reaction


If you have a pack of sticks for ice cream (or to check the sore throat), lay out the chain according to the scheme. When you release the last in a row of a wand, the whole chain will fall into the air to the child's delight.

13. Air Fortress


You will need the biggest sheet, which is in the house, scotch to stick her edges to the floor, and the fan that will turn it into the air tunnel, along which it is very funny to wade. By the way, with a duvet cover it can be even easier. The main trick is how to quickly climb inside, without giving the design to blown out.

14. Gamak


Hey, since you have an unnecessary sheet at home, why not to build the simplest hammock from it. Children adore wrapped in such things. And if you are afraid that it will fall out, lay the mattress or pillows below.

15. Excavations with a spoon


Collect small plastic toys and prepare more gelatin, jelly toys in any suitable form. When the jelly freezes, lay out it on some tray or in plastic container and allow the child to dig toys than he wants. A clear case, the jelly does not need to be sweeten, however, if the child sunswins him in his mouth, nothing terrible will happen.

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