Why women overeat: 6 non-obvious causes



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Many women wish to have a beautiful figure, that's just some notice that they are transmitted and often cannot do anything about it. Before dealing with such a problem, which prevents overflowing extra kilograms and hold the right weight, you need to get acquainted with the reasons of overeating.

Food in front of the TV

Specialists nutritionists always suggest that it is impossible to eat for watching television programs and movies. Those who do not adhere to such recommendations are almost always faced with the problem of overeating. The whole problem is that during watching TV in the body, adrenaline is produced, which leads to the appearance and strengthening of the feeling of hunger. Even if there is no use of full-fledged dishes, people try to eat at least something to the film, most often the choice falls on candy, popcorn and other very harmful food.

It is best to completely refuse to eat under the TV. If it does not work in any way, then you should at least go to a healthy snack. It is very important to abandon the entire fast food, which, with a simple meal, does not know anything good. Hargely food can be replaced with nuts and berries, fruits and vegetables. Alcoholic beverages and sodes are of very harmful products, and therefore they are best replaced with green tea, since this drink has a tonic effect.

Water scarcity

A common reason for overeating is that the person drinks an insufficient amount of water during the day. The thing is that a person does not always correctly recognize the signals of his body. It often happens that he regards such signals as a need for food, while the body simply needs to be replenished with water reserves. Nutritionists offer again when such a feeling appears, do not go, but drink a glass of water. It is possible that after such actions, it does not want to eat.

Lack of sleep

Someone such a reason may seem strange, but experts accurately found that the lack of sleep, especially regular, leads to an increased appetite. It was revealed that a person who per night is sleeping less than seven hours is significantly increasing in the body the level of cortisol, hormone responsible for the appearance of a feeling of hunger. By the way, some notice that during fatigue I want to eat. In solving such a problem, only the correct mode will help, that is, a dream for seven hours and more. If a person suffers insomnia, you need to get tested with tight curtains, remove all the equipment from my room, including a mobile phone, as well as abandon coffee, at least ten hours before the alleged sleep.

Sweet dishes in the morning

For breakfast, very many sweet porridges, muesli or fry pancakes, pancakes. Such nutrition is considered incorrect from the point of view of professional nutritionists. These dishes are saturated with sugar and rapid carbohydrates, and therefore after a short period of time there is a feeling of hunger and have to snack or cook a full-fledged dish. It will be better to completely abandon this method of nutrition. A good breakfast option is dishes with a large content of useful fats, proteins and fiber. There is a lot of interesting and delicious dishes, for example, omelet with vegetables, toasts with avocado, scrambled eggs and others.

Reason for overeating - chewing

Overeating is unlikely to someone could connect with regular use of chewing. Many noticed that, only starting to chew her, the stomach begins to make sounds, thereby demanding food. Specialists from the number of nutritionists suggest that it is quite natural and associated with reflexes. The human body is designed in such a way that the chewing process is associated with the flow of food in the stomach, and therefore he starts working at that time. If the chewing is used to refresh their breathing, it can be replaced by a sparkled non-sweet water with mint, which also will help reduce the feeling of hunger if it is available.

Food outside the house

Man's appetite, according to nutritionists, largely depends on its availability. On holidays, when there is a mass of cooked dishes, the likelihood of overeating is significantly increased. Often such a problem arises on vacation where you have to eat from the buffet, in restaurants in a noisy company. Certifying this problem will help the reduction of nutrition outside the walls of the house to a minimum.

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