Club of the former wives: how the life of celebrities after loud divorces


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The family life of the rich and famous is similar to the weather in the spring - the same unpredictable and changeable. Often, a happy and prosperous marriage in an instant collapses and only misunderstanding remains - which could have happened, where it was missed where it was not noticed how to live after a divorce.

Irina Meladze: how to live after betrayal

It was such thoughts that Valery Meladze, Irina Meladze, visited the spouse of the famous popular artist. The couple lived in marriage without a small twenty (!) Years. Over the years, the spouses gave birth and raised three children, they could break into the showubus and conquer there a certain niche, pass through the tests, disappointment, losses and together experienced the death of the Son. A huge surprise for all was the news that Valery takes on a divorce!

Valery Meladze and Irina Meladze.

Of course, if it smells a divorce, then you should look for a woman. The omissible pair of the group of VIA "Gra" Sexy beauty Albina Janabaeva became the ruiner of the once happy couple. In glamorous Tusovka, the romantic bonds of two stars and the birth of the heir "on the side" have long been talking. But, confident in the loyalty of her husband, Irina closed his eyes on gossip. Unfortunately, the smoke without fire does not happen, and in the fall of 2013, the singer gave a divorce. Irina has long been silent for a long time and only a few years after parting, the secrets of the star parting opened and told in a frank interview about their struggle for his spouse, love for him and the indescribable aftertaste of the betrayal of the most native and loved one.

Almost five years later, the wise woman was able to find the strength to begin to arrange a personal life, however, she hides a new chosen one and does not advertise his relationship. Irina is engaged in self-development, he received to learn and even received a diploma of the Spiritual Academy.

Nastya Kochetkov and Rube Hygienishvili

At the very beginning of the two thousandth, the whole country discussed the reciprocal wedding of the participants of the stars Factory 4 and the young director Rube Higienishvili. The girl knit herself as a marriage, hardly she turned 17 and, apparently, was crazy about the hot Georgian guy. But about the motives of the cut back on the girl from the highest society remains only to guess.

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The marriage existed only three years. Then the director fell in love with a more successful party - the youngest daughter Nikita Mikhalkov himself. Anastasia, the daughter, who parents, despite their scandalous divorce, remained in memory of life.

Today, the former wife Higienishvili lives in America with his daughter and new husband. And about the divorce of the cut and daughter Mikhalkova claims that it is not different as a boomerang.

Irina Leonova: Very large and lonely mom

No one could ever think that the domestic film actor Evgeny Tsyganov will leave his pregnant wife and throw it and six (at that time) children. The cause of care, as not strange, has become accumulated fatigue from family life, where chaos and crying reigns everywhere, and the wife has become a sexy person in the zoom. The fine psyche of the actor simply could not withstand the emotional load and broke down.

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Almost immediately after the divorce, Eugene has already become met with Julia Snegir, who also gave birth to a child from him.

The directors talked about the great future of Irina Leonova, at some point all the tracks into the world of cinema were opened for her, she worked with mastitis actors, but chose family happiness and maternity to the opinion of the crowd. Many women do not know how to survive a divorce with two children. And Irina completely plunged into the upbringing of children, it is not removed and does not get into light.

Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk: a gift for a silver wedding

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To the silver wedding, he lived in love and consent, one of the most beautiful and unstasive pairs of the domestic show business - Fyodor and Svetlana Bondarchuki. According to the spouses known to the whole of Russia, the cause of the divorce has become fatigue from each other. The couple supports wonderful relationships and values ​​live together for years, but somehow very quickly after the divorce both openly declared new relations. Thus, Fyodor began to meet with the actress Paulina Andreva, and surrounded by Svetlana began to appear numerous secured and wealthy worsens. By the way, Svetlana Bondarchuk leads a very glamorous, pathetic lifestyle and never regretted the divorce.

Alena Apina and Alexander Iratov: "Just came time"

In the fall of 2017, the news that Alena Apina, celebrating the silver wedding divorces with her second husband a film producer and businessman Alexander Iratov, became for fans of the singer thunder among the clear sky. After all, literally a couple of months ago, the spouses were merry and happy, resting together in Mallorca.

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The performer of the cult popular songs of the 1990s about "Ksyushu-skirt from Plush" and about the accountant first time stoically kept silence, and then stated that he wanted to protect himself from the overpowering and admitted: "I filed a divorce. There are no global reasons. And there are no robin. Just got time. "

But the close friend of Alena turned out to be more frank and at one of the television showed that it was very difficult with Irata Alena, because he, like all the producers "neurotic, psychopath and constantly on their own wave."

"Life does not end, she is wiser than we!", "Alyona Apina stated in one of the post-districted interviews and went to conquer Hollywood.

Nargiz Zakirova and Philip Balsano: when there is no strength to pay for debts

US-Uzbek singer Nargiz Zakirova broke into the world of show business after participating in the Russian show "Voice". And of course, all fans sought to know at least something about the personal life of the new star. It would seem that everything is safely before the tribality: 20 years of marriage with the Stark Italian Filipple Balzano and the common daughter Leila. But at the end of 2016, Nargiz filed for a divorce and admitted to fans that he experiences terrible moral fatigue and does not intend to pay more debts of her husband.

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On the pages of his microblog, Nargiz Zakirova laid out the screen of letters Balzano, in which he demanded about 40 thousand dollars from it. "You have time until five in the evening Friday to list the money I asked about. I once again checked the exact amount, not including the costs of repairing the house, which will never end, and the fee for my texts, "wrote the ex-wife Philip.

Divorce took place in New York.

Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov: When love ended

In a secular chronicle, more than once, there were reports that the singer Tatyana Bulanov on the column of divorce with his spouse ex-football player Vladislav Radimov. But the couple always had enough strength to break out of the crisis.

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But in October 2016, a 47-year-old singer on his social network page posted a photo with his spouse and wrote: "I don't know what is the definition of a betrayal of loved ones, as it seemed to me, a person or friend (apparently, it seemed to me). Probably, the betrayal is more painful and worse. I can't sit and complain and, most likely, I will delete this post, but either because almost the morning, or something else - just a little glance in your vests ... "

After that, the fans were surprised when they saw Bulanov and Radimov together in a restaurant, where they celebrated 11 years of relationship. But it was this dinner for them to be farewell. Before the new, 2017, Tatyana reported that her marriage ceased to exist. "Thank you for these 11 years! Yes, there was a lot of everything - and good, and not very - but I am grateful to the fate for meeting you. Know that you still have a native person for me and you can always count on my help and support in everything! ", - wrote Bulanov in his microblog. But after a few hours the singer deleted his post, probably considered that he was very smaller.

Of course, most married couples dream of living long and happily and die one day. But psychologists are confident that there are 14 real reasons to rejoice in the divorce.

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